Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club

Welcome to the Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club's website. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Mission Statement:
Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club is dedicated to the safe use of firearms, while conserving our natural resources by promoting the wholesome practice of hunting, fishing and shooting sports, and the education of children and adults in the law-abiding, responsible enjoyment of outdoor sporting activities.
Club Contact Information:
POSTAL address:
P.O. Box 442, Ellwood City, PA 16117
The PHYSICAL address of the clubhouse is:
2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157
for those wishing to use a GPS to locate us.
DO NOT mail any correspondence to this address!
Contact us at: Email coming soon
Clubs Annual Pic-Nic
Our Annual Pic-Nic will be held this Sunday August 11th. starting at 1:00. All members and their family are welcome to attend. The Club will be providing hamburgers, hot dogs, sweet corn and drinks. You may bring a side dish or a desert to share. we look forward to seeing you there.
Meeting Information
We have one meeting per month. This meeting will be held on the second Monday of each month starting at 7:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.
Turkey Shoots 2024
Fall shoots will start on September 3, and run through November 19.
These shoots are open to the PUBLIC.
Trap Shoots 2024​
Our first Trap shoot for 2024 is planned to be on Tuesday May 7th and run through August 27th, 2024.
These shoots are open to the PUBLIC.
All those applying for NEW memberships MUST be a member of the National Rifle Association (N.R.A.) or join the N.R.A. at the time of application ($10 for an associate membership). It is the member's responsibility to keep their N.R.A. membership current. You MUST present your N.R.A. membership card when renewing your membership. Applications for BOTH club & NRA memberships can be found under the "Membership" tab on this website.
Any current club member should renew his/her membership by January 1, otherwise, a $10 lapsed membership fee will be imposed after January 31.
The lock for the range road gate will be changed effective April 1. Membership must be current in order to receive a new key for the gate lock.
(Current members who are actively serving in the military will be considered to have all privileges of continued membership. Annual dues will be suspended).
For a complete listing of ALL Pennsylvania Hunter/Trapper Education classes & registration, please go to the PA Game Commission website located at: www.pgc@state.pa.us">www.pgc@state.pa.us and look under the tab labeled "Education".