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 All members shall be citizens of the United States of America


    A "New Member Initiation Fee" of $10 will be assessed to all new regular and

senior members. Current regular and senior members must renew their

membership by January 31st of each year to avoid paying the initiation fee. 


 Regular membership (18 to 64 years old):  $40

 Family membership:  $55 (Consisting of an adult/spouse and children under age 18) 
Senior membership (65 years & older):  $20 
Lifetime membership (55+ years old, with 10 years prior paid dues):  $400

 Senior Lifetime membership (65 years & older):  $200

 Rifle range key (18 years & older):  $10



    All new applicants for membership must be a member of the National Rifle Association (N.R.A.) or join the N.R.A. at the time of application and keep their N.R.A. membership current.  When renewing your membership, you MUST show your current NRA membership card.


     Current members who are actively serving in the military will be

considered to have all privileges of a continued membership.  Annual dues will be suspended.




     Regular membership meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00P.M. Directors’ meetings are held on the LAST Monday of each month at 7:00P.M.  All meetings are open to club members, but only DIRECTORS may vote on issues presented concerning finances. 

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