Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club

Fall Turkey Shoot results - November 4th & 11th, 2008:
The following participants were winners in the recent Fall turkey shoots at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod &
Gun Club:
November 4, 2008 - George Brenneman, Randy Wilson, Julian Romeo, Don Reed, Carol Dambach, John
Goebel, John Cory, Bill Nicholson and Jim Dambach.
November 11, 2008 - Dennis Hall, Dale Davis, Carol Dambach, J.D. Cory, P.J. Aiken, Vince Jennette,
Jim Dambach, Sam Burton, Harry Stephenson, Jonathan Greathouse, Mark Freed and Don Reed, Jr.
Monthly Meeting Minutes - October 13, 2008:
President William B. Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Carl Custozzo announced that the Fall turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through
November 25, 2008 at the clubhouse beginning at 6:30 P.M. The following winners were announced for the
Fall ham & turkey shoots:
Sept. 30th - Drew Tabish, Jonathan Greathouse, J.D. Cory, Jim Dambach, Doug Russell and Carol
Oct. 7th - Dick Bayer, Jonathan Greathouse, Cliff Musser, Jim Dambach, S. Renner and Paul Aiken.
Oct. 14th - Carol Dambach, Jonathan Greathouse, Julian Romeo, Cliff Musser, Genevieve Romeo, Jim
Dambach, Paul Aiken, Bill Shuttleworth, Megan Greathouse and Guy Tabish.
Oct. 21st - George Brenneman, William Shoaff, Jr., William Shuttleworth, Andre D'Addio, Scott Donley,
Jim Dambach, Drew Tabish and P.J. Aiken.
Oct. 28th - Robin Shoaff, John Goebel, Bill Boots, William Shoaff, Jr., Dave Lynn, Carol Dambach, Dick Bayer, Jonathan Greathouse and Jim Dambach.
Each round of shooting costs $2.00 and there are hams as well as turkeys which are available. These
shoots are open to the public. The next one will be held on Tuesday, November 11, 2008. Dick Bayer
announced that the PA Game Commission will have a meeting on October 18 & 19th concerning crossbow
usage by everyone (that proposal will be voted on). Chuck Bevington thanked the club members who helped
make his brother's (Sgt. Allan Bevington) fishing memorial access a reality in addition to those who contributed
their time as well as food for the luncheon which was held after the dedication ceremony on Saturday, October
11th. He also said that the Honor Guard from the Corp. of Army Engineers will put in the ramp. Tim Kelly was
the winner of the evening's door prize. Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments
to the members. The next Board of Directors' meeting will be held on Monday, October 27th and the next regular meeting will be held on Monday, November 10, 2008. The election of officers and board of directors for 2009 will be held at this meeting. Every member is encouraged to attend and vote. All meetings begin at
7:00 P.M.
Submitted by Janice Greathouse - Recording Secretary
Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 2008:
The following participants were winners recently at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey
Sept. 9 - Jim Dambach, Dick Bayer, Carol Dambach, William Shoaff, Jr., Jackie Main, Andy Schaffer and
Bob Horton.
Sept. 16 - George Brenneman, Robin Shoaff, William B. Boots, Dale Davis, Bill Shuttleworth, Dick Bayer,
Don Reed and LeRoy Houk.
Sept. 23 - Jim Dambach, Chris Seaburn, Jonathan Greathouse, Paul Aiken, Dick Bayer, Dale Davis,
Maura Aiken, Melissa Aiken, Bill Shuttleworth, Matt Gebhardt and Joe Musser.
The next turkey shoot will be held at the clubhouse on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M. A "youth shoot" will be held for those who are age 17 and younger if they have a parent or guardian present. These shoots are open to the public. They will continue each Tuesday through November 25, 2008.
Monthly Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2008:
President William B. Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. It was announced that there would be a picnic for the participants of the summer trap shoots at
5:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 14th. The last Hunter Safety Education class for Lawrence County was held
at Shenango High School on Sept. 11 and 13, 2008. Chuck Bevington announced that as of that date there
were 522 antlerless deer tags available for rifle season in deer management area 1A. Carl Custozzo announced
that Fall turkey shoots will continue to be held each Tuesday through November 25, 2008 at the clubhouse
beginning at 6:30 P.M. Each line costs $2.00 per person regardless of membership. These shoots are open
to the public. On October 11, 2008, there will be a dedication ceremony for the Allan Bevington Memorial
Fishing Access at 11:00 A.M. A shuttle service will run from the club's parking lot to the site on River Road.
A light luncheon will be served at the clubhouse after the ceremony. Tim Kelly was the winner of the evening's
door prize. Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments to the members. The
next Board of Directors' meeting will be held on Monday, September 29th and the next regular meeting will be
held on Monday, October 13, 2008. All meetings begin at 7:00 P.M.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 2, 2008:
The following participants were winners in last week's first turkey shoot of the season for the
Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club: Bill Shuttleworth, George Brenenman, Paul Aiken, Jim Dambach,
Eric Blanchard and Jackie Main. Fall turkey shoots will be held at the clubhouse each Tuesday through
November 25, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M. Shooters do not need to be members of the club in order to
participate. Each week there will be a "Youth Shoot" for those who are age 17 or younger and have a
legal guardian with them. The cost is $2.00 @ line for each shooter, regardless of membership. The next shoot will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
Monthly Meeting Minutes - May 12, 2008:
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Lawrence County Council representative, Carl Custozzo, announced that the Junior
Conservation Camp will be held June 8-13, 2008 under the directorship of Ryan Miles. Our club will
provide the funds for one of the evening meals and a snack as well as sponsoring two students. Carl also said that when the "Point of Sale" hunting licenses are available, if a hunter doesn't return their harvest report card from the previous year, they won't be allowed to purchase a license the following year. The Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's annual banquet has been scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2009. Dinner selections and a speaker have to be determined. Club members voted to join the PA Rifle and Pistol Club for three years. This will help the club achieve a "Gold Club" standing with the N.R.A. (National Rifle Association). Discussion was held concerning the club's property surveying which will soon be completed. Custozzo announced that our club will sponsor an appreciation dinner on Sunday, July 20, 2008 at the clubhouse for approximately 30 Hunter/Trapper Safety Education instructors. Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Hunter/Trapper Safety Education course will be held on Thursday, June 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, June 14 (9 A.M.-5 P.M.). BOTH sessions must be attended in order to receive certification. Participants must be at least 11 years old and the club will provide a lunch for them at the Saturday session. The winner of the evening's door prize was Andy Kelly. There will NOT be a Board of Directors' meeting on Monday, May 26th because of the Memorial Day holiday. The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Monday, June 9, 2008. Special thanks
to Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
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Monthly Meeting Minutes - April 14, 2008:
Club president, Bill Boots, led the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance as he called the monthly
meeting to order. Last month's minutes were read and approved. Carl Custozzo announced that there
is a possibility of an early trout season stocking in Western PA like in Southeastern PA. It will be noted
that the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club opposes an early opener trout season in Western PA. Mr.
Custozzo also gave a report on the Spring turkey shoots. He said that the Fall turkey shoots will begin
on September 2, 2008 and continue each Tuesday through November 25, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
Bill Boots thanked Bob Horton and Tim Kelly for their idea concerning the plaques for members with
50+ years of service which were presented at the annual banquet on March 15, 2008. Tim Kelly
announced that there will be two "work nights" at the clubhouse beginning at 5:30 P.M. on Thursday,
April 17th and 24th. Anyone who is able to attend is asked to come and help. A Hunter/Trapper Safety
Education course will be sponsored by the club on Thursday, June 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, June 14
(9A.M.- 5P.M.). Lunch will be provided on Saturday for all participants. Both sessions must be attended
for certification. Participants must be at least 11 years of age. The 23rd Annual Kids' Trout Derby will
be held at the second bridge in Wurtemburg on Sunday, May 25, 2008 with registration beginning at 12
noon for any boy or girl who is age 13 or younger. The derby will be held from 1:00-3:00 P.M. The club
will help sponsor the cost of stocking the trout for the event. Andy Kelly was the winner of the evening's
door prize. Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments to the members.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
Spring Turkey Shoot results - April 8, 2008:
Last evening was the last of the Spring ham and turkey shoots held at the
Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club. The following participants were winners:
Jonathan Greathouse, J.D. Cory, Adam Custozzo, Jack Hunter, Jim Dambach,
Ken Gebhardt and Harry Stephenson. The winner of the spring 50/50 was Ken
Gebhardt. The officers and Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who
helped in any way with the shoots, as well as the participants. Fall ham and turkey
shoots will begin on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. and continue each
Tuesday through November 25, 2008. Shoots are open to the public. The
Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club will sponsor a Hunter/Trapper Safety Education
course on Thursday, June 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, June 14 (9A.M. to 5P.M.).
Those who expect to be certified must attend BOTH sessions. Lunch will be served
to participants on Saturday.
Spring Turkey Shoot results - April 1, 2008:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Spring ham & turkey
shoot last evening: Adam Custozzo, Steve Vardzel, Mike McBride, Harry Stephenson, Joe Raman, Derek
McClymonds, Jonathan Greathouse, John Lubich, Jim Dambach, Matt Gebhardt and Andrew Perry. The last
shoot of the Spring season will be held next Tuesday, April 8, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse.
This event is open to the public. Fall shoots will be held from September 2nd through November 25, 2008.
The officers and Board of Directors would like to thank all of the participants who supported the shoots this year.
REMINDER: The club will be sponsoring a Hunter/Trapper Safety Education class on Thursday,
June 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, June 14 (9 A.M.- 5 P.M.). BOTH sessions must be attended in order to
receive certification. No advance registration is necessary, but space is limited. Lunch will be provided to the
participants at Saturday's session.
Annual Banquet 2008 - March 15, 2008:
The annual Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club banquet was attended by 236 people on Saturday,
March 15, 2008 at the New Beaver Borough Volunteer Fire Department hall. Mr. David Custozzo was the
Master of Ceremonies and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance as well as the invocation before
the evening's meal of stuffed chicken breast, braised steak or stuffed pork chops. The speaker for the evening
was Ralph Martone whose topic was "Primitive Hunting". He discussed the differences between the traditional
flintlock and the more modern in-line muzzleloader. Two special presentations were made at the banquet.
The first one was a check from the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club which was presented to Chuck and
Bob Bevington whose brother, Allan Bevington, was killed in Iraq in September 2006. Allan is being memorialized with a public fishing access in Wampum, PA which gives boating access to the Beaver River. Joe Morris from the PA Fish & Boat Commission was on hand for the presentation as well since the property had to go through specific channels for this to become a reality. Club members are continuing to raise money for this cause by selling $5 raffle tickets for the month of June. The second presentation was made by club president Bill Boots to the following members who have given 50 or more years of dedicated service: Carl Custozzo, Ronald Aiken, LeRoy Houk, Kenneth Bleakney, Frank Tomon and Sam Ferrante.
Those in attendance were reminded that the range road gate lock will be changed effective April 1, 2008.
Anyone who is a current member may exchange their old key for a new one at any regular meeting (second
Monday of the month), Board of Directors' meeting (last Monday of the month) or every turkey shoot (each
Tuesday through April 8, 2008). Fall turkey shoots will be held on Tuesdays from September 2 - November
25, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M. Current regular and senior members must renew their memberships by
March 31, 2008 to avoid paying the initiation fee of $10.00 for a lapsed membership. Current membership
prices are as follows: Regular membership (18-64 years) - $30.00, Senior membership (65+ years) - $15.00,
Junior membership (17 & younger) - $2.00; Regular Lifetime membership (18-64 years) - $300, and Senior
Lifetime membership (65+ years) - $150.00. A "new member" initiation fee of $10.00 will be assessed to all
new regular and senior members. A rifle range key (18 & older) costs $5.00. Keys may be exchange annually
without penalty. Please pay all dues promptly.
The following club officers were introduced after the meal: President - William B. Boots, Vice President - Ron
Aiken, Treasurer - Fred Moyer, Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse, Membership Secretary - Lee Winegar, N.R.A. Executive Officer - Chuck Bevington, Range Officer - Bob Horton, County Council Delegate - Carl Custozzo and Alternate Council Delegate - Fred Moyer. The following Board of Directors were also introduced: Charles Baker, William J. Boots, Sr., Willard Deemer, LeRoy Houk, Tim Kelly, Cliff Musser, Frank Tomon, Carl Custozzo, Adam Kelly, Carl Jaskolka, Joe Musser, John Wilmes and David Shaffer.
Special thanks are extended to the officers and Board of Directors of ESB Bank for their donation of the
gun which was raffled and won by David Bell. The air rifle was won by Cameron Boots and the evening's 50/50
was won by Ron Frelin. Thanks are also extended to LeRoy Houk who headed the banquet committee, those
who collected prizes and donations as well as the following businesses and individuals that contributed prizes
for the banquet: Ro-Mar, The Ranch, Advance Auto Parts, Auto Zone, Blochers Jewelers, Dan Fenechi State
Farm Insurance, Landos Family Restaurant, T&M Hardware, Michael's Furniture, Allied Auto, Good Wheels,
Ellwood City Chrysler Dodge, McElwain's, Day Dream Tours, Energy Auto Sales, Peggy's Floral, Ellwood City
McDonald's, Uneeda Tire Co., Pizza Joe's, MVP Team Shop, Venezia Pizzeria, Tom's Garage, Weller's Super
Market, Aiken Refuse, Loccisano's, Ellwood City Candy Co., Acorn Archery, A&M Marine, Dr. Amanda Duncan
Family-Chiropractic, Laszlo's, Subway (Koppel), Al's Corner (Koppel), Ellwood City Trader Horn, Baker's
Taxidermy, Evans Industrial Supply, Wilson Pennzoil, Ellport Junction, Snake Run, Duke's Sporting Goods,
Wal-Mart, Lark Enterprizes, V.S.R. Office Supply Co., Jisco Distribution, Cabela's (Wheeling, WV), Ferrante
Upholstering, Jata's Diner (Wampum), Marshall Funeral Home (Wampum), Wampum Improvement Center and
Lamp Outlet On-Main. The following club members also made donations: Merle Schilling, Ron Aiken, Bob Horton, LeRoy Houk, Carl Custozzo, Sally & Ron Surma, Frank Tomon, Kerry Hart, Jeff Houk, Bill Boots, Sr., Bill Boots family, John Wilmes and Mark Aiken.
The Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club will sponsor a Hunter/Trapper Safety Education course on Thursday,
June 12 (6-10 P.M) and Saturday, June 14, 2008 (9 A.M. - 5 P.M.). Participants must be at least 11 years old
and attend BOTH sessions to become certified. No advance reservations are needed, but space in the class is
Club members would also like to thank the men and women of the New Beaver Borough Fire Department for
serving the evening's meal. Please visit our club's web site at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 18, 2008:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's spring ham and turkey
shoots on Tuesday, March 18, 2008: Jack Hunter, Steve Huhmann, George Brenneman, Eric Blanchard, Tom
Gorgas, J.D.Cory, Chuck Bingle and Harry Stephenson. Shoots are open to the public and will continue each
Tuesday through April 8, 2008 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 11, 2008:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Spring turkey shoot
which was held at the clubhouse last evening: Paul Aiken, John Clyde, J.D. Cory, Adam Custozzo, Nick Hoover, Matt Hoover and Eric Custozzo. Ham & turkey shoots will be held each Tuesday through April 8 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be Tuesday, March 18, 2008.
Monthly Meeting Minutes - March 10, 2008
Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading those who were present in the
Pledge of Allegiance. Chuck Bevington announced that a new class of WCO's (Wildlife Conversation Officer)
recently graduated 21 officers. There will be one in each of the following counties - Mercer, Beaver and Allegheny Counties. Carl Custozzo announced that during the spring turkey season it is not necessary to wear fluorescent orange; however, it is suggested that it is worn in and out from the hunting location. Club members are selling $5.00 raffle tickets which will benefit the Allan Bevington Memorial Fishing Access. Those who purchase a ticket may write in their own 3-digit number which will go off for the entire month of June based on the 7:00 P.M. PA Lottery number. The opening day of Trout Season is Saturday, April 12, 2008. The club's annual banquet will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall beginning promptly at 6:00 P.M. Dinner selections are stuffed chicken breast, braised steak or stuffed pork chop for $12.00 each. Reservations will be accepted through Tuesday, March 11, 2008. The speaker for the evening will be Ralph Martone whose topic will be "Primative Hunting". Dues for 2008 may be paid through March 31, 2008without being fined a $10.00 late fee. The locks on the range road gate will change on April 1, 2008, so members will need to exchange their old keys at any club event beginning the night of the banquet. Members MUST have their current membership card in their posession as well as display their current membership badge when using the range. Only members will be permitted on the range because of liability. Spring turkey shoots began on March 4, 2008 and will continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through April 8, 2008. A special shoot foryouth will be conducted each week as long as an adult chaperones the youth. All shoots are open to the public. A Hunter/Trapper Safety Education class will be conducted by the club on Thursday, June 12 and Saturday, June 14, 2008 for any person who is at least 11 years old. Thursday's session will meet from 6:00-10:00 P.M. and Saturday's session will be held from 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. A lunch will be provided for all participants on Saturday. BOTH sessions must be attended in order to receive certification. There will be a "Boating Safety" course offered at the Coachman's Club on Wednesday, March 12 and Thursday, March 13, 2008. BOTH sessions must be attended to receive certification. Conservation Camp will be held from June 8-13, 2008 under the directorship of Ryan Miles. Andy Kelly was the winner of the evening's door prize. Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments to those in attendance.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
Monthly Meeting Minutes - Jan./Feb. 2008:
Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading those present in the Pledge of
Allegiance. There will be a trap shoot on Sunday, February 24th at 1:00 P.M. at the clubhouse. Tim Kelly will
make chili for those who attend. Carl Custozzo announced that the PFSC (PA Federation of Sportsman's Clubs)
will have a meeting March 28-30, 2008. Our club will hold another raffle in June like we did in December to help
sponsor the Allan Bevington Memorial Fund for the public fishing access in Wampum. One PA lottery 3-digit
7:00 P.M. number may be written on the ticket of the buyer's choice for $5.00. The club's annual banquet will
be held on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall with the dinner beginning at 6:00 P.M. Dinner selections for $12.00 include braised steak, stuffed chicken breast and stuffed pork chops. The evening's speaker will be Ralph Martone. Dues for 2008 are being accepted at any club event. Anyone who pays after the March 31, 2008 deadline will have to pay a $10.00 late fee. Range road gate keys will be exchanged at the banquet and the new lock will be put on April 1, 2008. The Hunter Safety Education class at our club will be
held on June 12 & 14, 2008 this year. Both sessions must be attended to receive certification. The winner of
the evening's door prize was Bob Luca. Special thanks to Adam Kelly for serving refreshments.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse