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Fall Turkey Shoot  results - October 19 through November 16, 2010:


     The last Fall turkey shoot of the season will be tomorrow evening, Tuesday, November 23, 2010 beginning

at 6:30 P.M.  Shoots are open to the public.  If enough youth are present, a special shoot will be held specifically

for the youth.  The officers and board of directors would like to thank all of the participants and those who

helped each week with the shoots.  We wish everyone a safe hunting season and a special Thanksgiving holiday.


     November 16th - Jim Dambach, John Lubich, Jr., Cody Osborne, Tim Hansotte, P.J. Aiken, Bill Shuttleworth,

                              Logan Stelter, Daren Weingartner, and Carol Dambach.


     November 9th - Jim Dambach, Steve Kimmel, Jr., Ray Hoover, Steve Kimmel, Sr., Russ Russell, Bill

                            Shuttleworth, Shane Price, Tyler Maine, Jack Hunter, Vince Jennette, Jim Cory, and Ed Scala.


     November 2nd - Hugh Clements, Mike Rollins, Russ Russell, Charlie Kelly, Carol Dambach, Jim Cory, Tim

                            Hansotte, Joe Mills, and Daren Thomas.


    October 26th - Tim Hansotte, Jim Dambach, Vince Jennette, Cody Osborne, John Disher, Bill Shuttleworth,

                         and Nick Hoover.


    October 19th - John Moss, Jim Dambach, George Brenneman, Mary Ann Shaffer, Ray Hoover, Bill Shuttleworth,

                         Don Reed, Daren Weingartner, Jim Cory, Vince Jennette, and Carol Dambach and Ray Hoover.



Fall Turkey Shoot  results - October 5 & 12, 2010:


   The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoots:


           October 5, 2010:   Daren Weingartner, Gabe Clements, Jack Hunter, John Lubich, Jr., John Moss, Dick

                                      Bayer, Bob McConahy, Mike Rollins, Carol Dambach, and Jim Cory.


           October 12, 2010:  John Moss, Mike Rollins, Gabe Clements, Mike Chulak, Tim Hansotte, Jack Hunter,

                                       Don Reed, Bill Shuttleworth, Nick Hoover, and Spencer Renner.


     Shoots will continue to be held at the clubhouse on Rte. 288 in Wayne Twp. every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M.

through November 23, 2010.  These shoots are open to the public and if enough youth are present, there will

be a specific shoot just for them.


Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 28, 2010:


    The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot on

Tuesday, September 28, 2010:   Bob Horton, Jim Cory, Jack Hunter, Steve McAnlis, Bob McConahy, Brett Gibson,

Jared Schaney and Mike Rollins.                  




Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 14, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoots on

Tuesday, September 14, 2010:  George Brenneman, Dave Rambo, John Moss, Mary Ann Shaffer, John Cory,

Daren Weingartner, Ben Aiken, Mike Burtner, Ed Scala, Dick Bayer, Jared McElwain and Jack Hunter.  Turkey

shoots will continue to be held each Tuesday at the clubhouse on Route 288 in Wayne Township beginning

at 6:30 P.M. through November 23, 2010.  If enough  youth are present, a special shoot will be held for them. 

These shoots are open to the public. The next shoot will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.


Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 7, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's first Fall turkey shoot on

Tuesday, September 7, 2010:  Daren Weingartner, Bill Shuttleworth, Mark Verone, Jack Hunter, John Cory,

Larry Baker and Logan Stetler.  Turkey shoots are open to the public and will be held every Tuesday until

November 23, 2010 at the clubhouse on Route 288 in Wayne Twp. beginning at 6:30 P.M.   If enough youth

are present, there will be a specific shoot held for them.


Spring Turkey Shoot results - April 13, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club’s final Spring turkey and

ham shoot on Tuesday, April 13, 2010:  Jeffrey Burgess, Jack Hunter, Frank Nofsker, Daren Weingartner, Jim

Dambach, Don Magno, Tom Ippolito, Logan Stelter, and Russ Barge.  The officers and Board of Directors would

like to thank those who helped with the Spring shoots as well as those who help support this fundraiser with

their participation.  Fall turkey shoots will be held September 7 - November 23, 2010 beginning at 6:30 P.M. 

at the clubhouse on Route 288 in Wayne Twp.      


 For Your Information:


    Trap shoots will be held from June 1 - August 31, 2010 beginning at 6:00 P.M.  Participants should provide

their own shells and fees depend upon club membership.  All shoots are open to the public.  Anyone who would

like to purchase or renew a club membership may do so at these shoots.   Applications may be obtained at the

club’s website:   The lock on the range road gate was changed

effective April 1, 2010 and members may exchange their old keys at any club event.  Keys will only be issued

to members who are 18 years of age or older and have their membership for 2010 current.

     The club will sponsor a Hunter/Trapper Safety Education class on Thursday, August 12 (6-10 P.M.) and

Saturday, August 14 (9 A.M. – 5 P.M.).  Participants must be at least 11 years of age and attend BOTH classes

in order to be certified.  Pre-registration is mandatory because of limited space and may be completed at the

PA Game Commission’s website:


Monthly Meeting Minutes - April 12, 2010:


     Vice President, Ron Aiken, opened the monthly meeting by leading the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Last month’s minutes were read and approved as well as the information from the club’s annual banquet that

was held on March 13, 2010.  Dick Bayer, Lawrence County Council Delegate, reported on last month’s County

Council meeting and announced that this month’s meeting will be held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun

Club this Thursday, April 15, 2010 beginning at 8:00 P.M.  Any club member is welcome to attend this meeting. 

This Sunday (April 18th) the club will host a “Gun Safety” class from 1-5 P.M. conducted by their N.R.A.

Executive Officer, P.J. Aiken.  Registration would be appreciated because of limited space and materials.  The

club’s indoor range will be used for practice and demonstration.  Janice Greathouse announced that the PA

“Fish for Free Days” will be held on May 22 and June 6.  No fishing license is needed on either day.  The regular

Trout season for Pennsylvania will begin this Saturday, April 17, 2010.  The club will host a Hunter Safety

Education Class on Thursday, August 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, August 14 (9 A.M.- 5 P.M.).  Participants

must be at least 11 years old and attend BOTH sessions in order to become certified.  Pre-registration on the

PA Game Commission’s website at is mandatory because of limited space.  The club’s

final spring turkey shoot will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 beginning at 6:30 P.M.  Fall turkey and ham

shoots will resume each Tuesday from September 7 - November 23, 2010.  Trap shoots will be held every

Tuesday during the summer from June 1 - August 31, 2010 beginning at 6:00 P.M.  All shoots are open to the

public.  The locks on the range road gate were changed effective April 1, 2010.  Membership in the club must

be current in order to receive a new key.  Old keys may be exchanged at any club function.  New club members

are being accepted at this time and applications may be obtained on the club’s website:   Please visit the site and see all of the activities that are going on

at the club.  The winner of the evening’s door prize was LeRoy Houk.  Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam

Kelly for serving refreshments.


Submitted by Recording Secretary – Janice Greathouse


Spring Turkey Shoot results - April 6, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the April 6, 2010 Spring ham & turkey shoot:  John Lubich,

Daren Weingartner, Ron Phillips, Chris Kobbe, Bill Greene, Jim Parks, Spencer Renner, and Joe Mills.  The next

and final turkey shoot of the season will be held this Tuesday, April 13, 2010 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the

clubhouse on Rte. 288 in Wayne Twp.  If enough youth (ages 17 and younger) attend, there will be a special

shoot just for them if they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.  The Fall turkey shoots will begin on

Tuesday, September 7, 2010.



Annual Banquet - March 13, 2010:


     The annual banquet of the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club was held at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall

on Saturday, March 13, 2010.  The Master of Ceremonies was club member David Custozzo who led those

present in the Pledge of Allegiance and then gave the invocation.  The evening’s meal consisted of braised steak

or stuffed chicken breast dinners and was enjoyed by 192 guests.  The speaker for the event was Mr. Cal

DuBrock from the PA Game Commission who spoke on wildlife conservation and management (specifically deer

antler restrictions and antlerless deer allocations).  President William B. Boots introduced the following officers

for 2010:  Vice President – Ron Aiken, Treasurer – Fred Moyer, Recording Secretary – Janice Greathouse,

Membership Secretary – Lee Winegar, N.R.A. Executive Officer – Paul Aiken, Range Officer – Bob Horton,

County Council Delegate – Dick Bayer, and Alternate Council Delegate – Fred Moyer.  The Board of Directors

are:  Charles Baker, William J. Boots, Sr., Willard Deemer, LeRoy Houk, Tim Kelly, Cliff Musser, Carol Dambach,

Jim Dambach, Carl Custozzo, Adam Kelly, Carl Jaskolka, John Wilmes, and Chuck Bevington.  A moment of

silent meditation was held for deceased club members Frank Tomon, John Seaburn, Merle Schilling, and Ben


     Special prize winners for the evening were Kerry Hart, Chris Ferrigno and Bill Hunter.  Many door prizes,

raffle drawings and a Chinese auction were enjoyed by those in attendance.  The club officers and Board of

Directors would like to thank the Directors of ESB Bank for their donation of a Savage .17 caliber rifle.  LeRoy

Houk, prize committee chairman, extended special thanks to the following businesses and individuals who

donated prizes for the event:  ESB Bank, Ro-Mar, Advance Auto Parts, Auto Zone, Blochers Jewelers, Alyssa

Harcar State Farm Insurance, Lando’s Family Restaurant, T & M Hardware, Allied Auto, Kasing Chrysler Dodge,

McElwain’s, Energy Auto Sales, Peggy’s Floral, Ellwood City McDonald’s, Uneeda Tire Company, Pizza Joe’s,

MVP Team Shop, Tom’s Garage, Aiken Refuse, Loccisano’s, Ellwood City Candy Company, Acorn Archery,

Dr. Amanda Duncan Family Chiropractor, Laszlo’s, Subway (Koppel), Al’s Corner (Koppel), Ellwood City Trader

Horn, Baker’s Taxidermy, Evans Industrial Supply, Snake Run, Duke’s Sporting Goods, Wal-Mart (Chippewa),

Lark Enterprises, Cabela’s (Wheeling, WV), Ferrante Upholstering, Jata’s Diner (Wampum), Marshall Funeral

Home (Wampum), Wampum Improvement Center, Lamp Outlet On-Main, Wal-Mart (New Castle), Willy’s

Discount Outlet (Koppel), R & D Marine & RV, Nesbit Guns, Hito Restaurant, Dream Tours, Ron Aiken,

Bob Horton, LeRoy Houk, Carl Custozzo, Ron & Sally Surma, Kerry Hart, Bill Boots family, John Wilmes,

Mark Aiken, Fred Moyer, Jim & Carol Dambach, David Custozzo, Tim Kelly family, and Paul Aiken.  Special

thanks are extended to the Jim Varati Band for the use of their PA system.  The officers and Board of Directors

would like to thank the men and women of the New Beaver Borough Volunteer Fire Department for preparing the

evening’s meal.

     Anyone who wants to join the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club may pay their 2010 annual membership

dues at the following rates:  (a “new member” initiation fee of $10 will be assessed to new regular and senior

members as well as those who have lapsed their membership effective March 31, 2010).  Regular membership

- $30, Family membership - $45, Senior membership (65+) - $15, Junior Associate (17 & under)-$2, Lifetime

membership (18-64) - $300, Senior lifetime membership (65 & older) - $150.  A rifle range key (18 & older)-$5. 

The range road gate lock was changed on April 1, 2010 to enforce the 2010 membership.  Old keys may be

exchanged for the new ones at any club meeting or function.  Upcoming events: the Fall turkey shoots will be

held every Tuesday, September 7 through November 23, 2010 beginning at 6:30 P.M.; trap shoots will be held

every Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. from June 1 through August 31, 2010; the club’s annual family picnic will be held

on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 1:00 P.M. and the Hunter/Trapper Safety Education course will be held Thursday,

August 12 (6-10 P.M.) and Saturday, August 14 (9 A.M. to 5 P.M.), 2010.  Participants must be at least 11

years old and attend BOTH sessions to complete the course and become certified.  On-line preregistration for

this course at is mandatory because space is limited.  The mailing address for the club is

Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club, P.O. Box 442 , Ellwood City , PA 16117 .  The website address for the

club is  Please view current information, photographs, and print

membership applications on this site.  All shooting events are open to the public; however, only club members

are permitted access to the club’s rifle range.  The regular monthly meetings are held on the second Monday

of each month and the Board of Directors  meet on the LAST Monday of each month – all meetings begin at  

7:00 P.M.  Club business will only be conducted at the clubhouse.


Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse


Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 30, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club’s Spring ham and turkey

shoot that was held at the clubhouse in Wayne Twp. on March 30, 2010:  Mikko Tervo, Jim Dambach, Mark

Verone, Dan Fiore, Joe Wilson, Dick Reed, Eric Custozo, and Jim Greene.  There will be two more shoots for

the Spring season on Tuesdays April 6th and 13th, 2010.  Both will begin at 6:30 P.M. and are open to the public. 

There will be a special shoot for youth (anyone who is 17 years old and younger) as long as they have a parent

or legal guardian with them when they shoot.


Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 23, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club’s Spring turkey shoot

that was held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010:  William Shuttleworth, Jim Dambach, J. Disher, Spencer Renner,

J.T.Baldelli, Frank Nofsker, Eric Custozzo, and LeRoy Houk.  Winners received either an Easter ham or turkey. 

All shoots are open to the public and will continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through April 13, 2010.  If anyone

under the age of 18 would like to shoot, they must have a parent or legal guardian with them.  There will be a

shoot specifically for the youth if enough are present.  The next shoot will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

at 6:30 P.M.



Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 16, 2010:


     The following participants were winners at the Easter ham and turkey shoot at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod &

Gun Club on Tuesday, March 16, 2010:  George Brenneman, Chuck Downs, Jim Dambach, Eric Custozzo,

Bill Shuttleworth, Phil Baker, Jim Means, Joe Thomas, and Pete Smith.  Turkey shoots will continue to be held

each Tuesday through April 13, 2010 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse on Route 288 in Wayne Twp.  

The shoots are open to the public and if enough youth have a parent or guardian with them, there will be a shoot

held specifically for those who are age 17 and younger.  The next shoot will be held on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

at 6:30 P.M.


Spring Turkey Shoot results - March 2 & 9, 2010:


     The Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club has begun their Spring turkey shoots.  The following participants are

winners of the Easter hams and turkeys:


     March 2nd – William Shoaff Jr., Mike Burtner, John Lubich, Kevin Hall, Jared McElwain, Bill Shuttleworth, and

                      Logan Stelter.


     March 9th – Bob Horton, Spencer Renner, Tim Hansotte, Carol Dambach, LeRoy Houk, Adam Custozzo, Ron

                     Aiken, Eric Custozzo, Jim Burns, and Bob Greene.


     Shoots will continue each Tuesday beginning at 6:30 P.M. until April 13, 2010.  They are open to the public and if enough youth are present (17 and under), there will be a special shoot for them.



The meeting was cancelled due to the winter snowstorm. 




Club newletters were mailed to members at the end of January.


Club members are reminded to pay their 2010 dues as soon as possible – go to our website for a registration

form:  A $10 late fee will be charged for anyone paying their dues

after March 31, 2010.  All new club members must pay $10.00 to join the NRA; current members are encouraged

to renew their memberships through the club (see Paul Aiken for details).


 The locks will be changed on the club’s range road gate effective April 1, 2010.  New keys may be exchanged

starting at the club’s annual banquet and at any regular function of the club (meetings/turkey shoots).


 The club’s annual banquet will be held on Saturday, March 13, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. at the New Beaver Borough

Fire Hall.  Doors will open at 4:30 P.M.  Dinners are $13.00 for either roast beef or stuffed chicken breast.

The speaker for the evening will be Cal DuBrock, director of the PA Game Commission.  Reservations with

checks may be mailed to the “Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club” , P.O. Box 442 , Ellwood City , PA 16117 .


Spring turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse on Route 288 in

Wayne Township.  If enough youth are present, there will be a special shoot for them.  Shoots will continue

each Tuesday through April, 13, 2010.


The club will host a “Sportsman’s Show and 2nd Amendment Freedom Rally” on Saturday, June 12, 2010 at the

clubhouse.  More details will follow – see Dick Bayer for table reservations.


 Submitted by Recording Secretary – Janice Greathouse




     The monthly meeting was called to order by director Tim Kelly in the absence of President Bill Boots and

Vice President Ron Aiken.  He led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Carl Custozzo took minutes

in the absence of Recording Secretary Janice Greathouse.  Joe Morris from the PA Fish Commission announced

that there is a new class of WCO’s out now.  Another new class will begin this Fall.  The Fish Commission will

monitor Marcellus gas wells in the state.  Wells will use millions of gallons of water.  The Salvation Army Dam

will be torn down.  January 5, 2010 was when the Bessemer Lake was stocked.  The Director of the Fish

Commission, Dr. Austin, will be leaving office the last of January 2010.  Hereford Manor Lake was drawn down

4 feet.  Jeff Kendall reminded everyone to send in game report cards.  PA had a good bear season.  PA Dot

now has to pick up dead deer along the highways.  If you plow snow to attract geese, that is considered baiting. 

Bob Horton announced that a 4-wheel drive needs to be used to access the range.  The grounds committee

talked about tree stands on the club’s property.  The kitchen committee proposed that the clubhouse be

insulated – the motion was carried by the Board of Directors.  Saturday, January 16, 2010 will be a work day for

kitchen improvements beginning at 8:00 A.M.  Dishes, cups and bowls from the kitchen may be taken by anyone

who wants them.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 P.M.


 Submitted by Carl Custozzo/Janice Greathouse

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