Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club

REMINDER: There WILL be a Board of Directors' meeting on Monday, December 26, 2011 at 7:00 P.M.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - December 12, 2011:
The monthly meeting was called to order by President Bill Boots who let the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by those
who were present. Lawrence County Council representative, Dick Bayer, gave updates concerning legislation for
the topics of Sunday hunting, high powered rifles and baiting. Carl Custozzo announced a Youth Conservation
"Draw Down" that will be held at the Shenango Twp. VFD hall on Saturday, January 28, 2012. Only 100 $50.00
tickets will be sold for the event that begins at 6:00 P.M. (doors open at 4:00 P.M.) and are available from either
Custozzo or Bayer. President Boots announced that there will be a Board of Directors' meeting held on Monday,
December 26, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., even though it will be the first day of muzzleloader season. Bob Horton asked
that people not use the range garbage can to throw cans and other items that are shot instead of taking them
home with them for disposal. Janice Greathouse gave an update concerning the club's web site, specifically the
by-laws that were added from July 27, 2009. Discussion was held concerning the hunting seasons for deer and
whether or not any were taken from our club's property. Carol Dambach and Bob Horton reported that they did
not find any gut piles when they were walking the area. LeRoy Houk said that the cable across the former
Dunbar property has a "no trespassing" sign posted to keep all vehicles off the property and everyone should be
respectful of this request. Stacie Kelly was the winner of the evening's door prize. Special thanks to Lee Winegar,
Adam Kelly, and Janice Greathouse for providing refreshments for the evening.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 22, 2011:
The final week of Fall turkey shoots on November 22, 2011 at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club had
the following participants as winners: Brett Gibson, Ron Boxen, Russ Russell, Jim Dambach, Josh Syphrit,
Cody Price, Carol Dambach, Mike Rollins, Larry Price, and Niko Bryant. Spring turkey shoots will begin on the
first Tuesday of March (March 6, 2012) at 6:30 P.M. The officers and Board of Directors would like to thank all
who participated and those who helped support the turkey, ham, and money shoots in any way for the Fall
season. We wish all of the hunters a safe and successful hunting season. We hope to see you at our annual
banquet that will be held on Saturday, March 17, 2012 at 6:00 P.M. at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall. Look
for the reservation form in your club newsletter that all members will receive around the beginning of February.
Please keep advised of our activities by visiting our club's website at www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com.
There will be no Board of Directors' meeting on Monday, November 28, 2011 because of the first day of rifle deer
season. The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday, December 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. Memberships for
2012 will be available at that time. A copy of an application form may be printed from the club's website and
brought to the meeting along with your NRA membership card. Have a wonderful holiday season!
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 15, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot
held on November 15, 2011: David Verone, Don Reed, Mike Rollins, Ron Boxen, Jim Cory, George Tincani,
Eric Palmer, Brock Boxen, Austin Nye, and Ed Scala. Shoots are open to the public and if enough youth
(age 17 and younger) are present, a shoot will be specifically held just for them. The FINAL turkey shoot for
the Fall season will be this Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse at 2406 Ellwood-
Wampum Road (Route 288) in Wayne Township. Prizes include turkeys, hams, and cash for the winners.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - November 14, 2011:
The monthly meeting was called to order by Vice President, Ron Aiken, who led the members in the
Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were taken by President Bill Boots, but read by Recording
Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by the members who were present at this evening's meeting.
Dick Bayer asked members to contact Rep. Jason Alltmire to support the concealed weapons bill that is to be
voted upon this week. Bob Horton read an article that was brought in by Daren Weingartner concerning the
situation with the Hereford Manor Lakes. Daren also said that he went to Jared Gibbon's office to receive
additional updated information. Carl Custozzo announced that there are two more Fall turkey shoots on
November 15 and 22, 2011. He will keep enough turkeys in stock for the Spring because it was so difficult to
find them last year at that time. Cub Scouts will meet on Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 11:00-3:00 P.M.
at the clubhouse's indoor range for a BB shooting event - this was approved by the Board of Directors at their
last meeting. The election of officers for 2012 this evening produced the following results: President - William
B. Boots, Vice President - Ron Aiken, Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse, Treasurer - Fred Moyer,
Membership Secretary - Lee Winegar, Range Officer - Bob Horton, NRA Executive Officer - Paul J. Aiken,
Lawrence County Council Delegate - Dick Bayer, and alternate council delegate - Fred Moyer. The Board of
Directors that were voted in for 2012 include - William J. Boots, Carl Custozzo, Carol Dambach, Tim Kelly,
Don Taylor, John Wilmes, and Daren Weingartner. Janice Greathouse thanked the members for their many
acts of kindness during her recent surgery and recovery period. Janice also encouraged the members to
purchase their 2012 memberships as soon as possible (they make nice Christmas gifts). All dues for 2012
must be paid by March 31, 2012 in order to avoid a late fee for a lapsed membership. Anyone who is applying
for a new membership must have their current NRA membership card with them at the time of application for
club membership. There will be NO Board of Directors' meeting on Monday, November 28, 2011 because it is
the first day of rifle deer season in PA and most members will be hunting that day. The next regular monthly
meeting will be held on Monday, December 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. The winner of the evening's door prize was
Jeff Davis. Special thanks to the kitchen committee of Lee Winegar and Adam Kelly for serving refreshments
after the meeting.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 1, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot held on
November 1, 2011: Jim Dambach, J.T. Baldelli, Greg McElwain, Dave Caccia, Mike Rollins, Corey McCowin,
Bill Pinkle, John Lubich, Jim Cory, Mark Gibbs, Leo Bennett and Beryl Klinzing. Shoots are open to the public
and will continue to be held at the clubhouse, 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road (Route 288), Wayne Township at
6:30 P.M. every Tuesday through November 22, 2011. If there are enough youth (age 17 and younger), a special
shoot will be held just for them if they have a guardian present to assist them. Prizes include turkeys, hams, and
cash for the winners.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 11, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot held
on October 11, 2011: Bill Shuttleworth, George Brenneman, C. Kobbe, John Lubich, Jr., Ed Scala, Jim Cory,
Adam Gibbs, Carmen Bucci, David Caccia, and Bob Smith. The winner of the shoot that was specifically for
youth participants was Bret Gibson. Shoots are open to the public and will continue to be held at the clubhouse
at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road (Route 288), Wayne Township at 6:30 P.M. every Tuesday through November 22,
2011. If there are enough youth (age 17 and younger), a special shoot will be held just for them if they have a
guardian present to assist them. Prizes include turkeys, hams and cash for the winners.
The monthly meeting was called to order by President Bill Boots at 7:00 P.M. by leading those in
attendance with the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Horton gave a report on the rifle range. Carl Custozzo gave a
report on the turkey shoots - he said we have plenty of both turkeys and hams for the rest of the Fall shoots.
All help at these events would be appreciated. Paul Aiken gave a report on last week's Hunter/Safety Education
class - 37 participants passed the class. Paul Aiken was also complimented on his instruction skills. A get well
card for Janice Greathouse was circulated so that members could sign it. Carol Dambach called for nominations
(there were none) for the election of Officers and Board of Directors that will be held at the next monthly meeting
on Monday, November 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. All members are encouraged to attend and cast their votes for the
2012 election. Jim Dambach gave a report on LeRoy Houk's fish fry that was held last Saturday evening at the
clubhouse - it was a very successful event. Daren Winegartner brought a request for use of the club's range for a
BB gun shoot by one of the local Cub Scout troops - details will be obtained for future discussion. Bob Miles has
pledged his support of trout for the club's fishing event that will be held next year. The meeting ended at
7:45 P.M. with a motion made by Carol Dambach and a second by Paul Aiken.
Submitted by Bill Boots for Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 27, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot held
on September 27, 2011: Jim Dambach, Jim Cory, George Brenneman, Ed Scala, Frank Nofsker, Joe Neff,
Bill Gibbs, Paul White, and Brian Nofsker. Shoots are open to the public and will continue to be held at the
clubhouse at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road (Route 288), Wayne Township at 6:30 P.M. every Tuesday through
November 22, 2011. If there are enough youth (age 17 and younger), a special shoot will be held just for them
if they have a guardian present to assist them. Prizes include turkeys, hams, and cash for the winners.
For Your Information:
Memberships for 2012 are now being accepted at any organized club event
(monthly meeting - 2nd Monday; directors' meeting - last Monday; turkey shoots -
every Tuesday through Nov. 22, 2011). Please go to the "Membership" section
of our website to obtain an application. You MUST bring your NRA membership
card with you when you pay your dues. Get your dues paid early this year to
keep from having to pay a "lapsed" membership fee after March 31, 2012.
Memberships make wonderful Christmas gifts - do your shopping early this year!
The officers, Board of Directors and club members would like to extend their
sympathy to the families of the following club members who have passed away
during 2011: Cliff Musser, Audley Weir, Lawrence McNany, Anthony Vansovich
and Anthony Falcsik.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 20, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Fall turkey shoot held
on September 20, 2011: Russ Russell, Mary Ann Shaffer, Jim Dambach, Bill Shuttleworth, Ron Surma,
Daren Weingartner, Brian Nofsker, Mike Rollins, Frank Nofsker and Larry Baker. Shoots are open to the public
and will continue to be held at the clubhouse at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road (Rte. 288) in Wayne Township
every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 22, 2011. If there are enough youth (age 17 and younger),
a special shoot will be held just for them if they have a guardian present to assist them. Prizes include hams,
turkeys and cash for the winners.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 13, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the Fall turkey shoot that was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod
& Gun Club on Tuesday, September 13, 2011: Jack Hunter, Mary Ann Shaffer, George Brenneman, David
Verone, Jim Dambach, Frank Nofsker, Mark Donley, Spencer Renner, Daren Weingartner, Dick Bayer and
David Shaffer. Fall turkey shoots will continue at the clubhouse, located at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road
(Rte. 288) in Wayne Township, at 6:30 P.M. every Tuesday through November 22, 2011. These shoots are open
to the public and if enough youth (age 17 and younger) are present, a specific shoot will be held for them if a
guardian is present to assist them. Additional club information may be viewed at:
www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com .
President Bill Boots led the members of the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club in the Pledge of Allegiance
to call the monthly meeting to order on Monday, September 12, 2011. Last month's minutes were read by the
Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by the members who were present. Carl Custozzo
announced that he was able to get hams for the Fall turkey shoots at a lower price than he anticipated. Fall
turkey shoots will continue to be held on the clubhouse grounds at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road (Rte. 288) in
Wayne Township every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 22, 2011. Prizes offered are turkeys, hams or
cash to the winners. These shoots are open to the public and cost $2.25 @ round. If enough youth (who are 17
years old or younger) are present, a special shoot will be held just for them as long as they have a guardian to
supervise them. President Boots reminded those who were present at the meeting that anyone who uses the
rifle range MUST be a club member. Membership must be kept current in order to be in possession of a range
road gate key. If a current member would like to pay their 2012 annual dues, that membership can be renewed
at any of the turkey shoots or club meetings. All memberships should be renewed by January 1, 2012 in order
to keep in good standing. After March 31, 2012, a late fee of $10.00 will be imposed for a "lapsed" membership.
Please refer to the "Membership" section of our club's web site for details and an application. You MUST be in
possession of your current NRA membership card when renewing your club membership. Janice Greathouse,
club webmaster, announced that the club's web site has been updated and may be viewed at
www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com . Please check this site, as well as the Ellwood City Ledger, for any
important club information. Carol Dambach asked for any nominations for officers or Board of Directors for the
2012 election which will be held at the clubhouse on Monday, November 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. One director
position must be filled for the 2012 year. The Nominating Committee consists of Carol Dambach, Lee Winegar
and Paul Aiken. A club member must be in good standing for at least 2 years in order to be considered for any
club office. Nominations can be given to any of the committee members between now and the night of the
election. Paul Aiken gave a "breakdown" of the trap shoot money from the summer season of June 7 - August
30, 2011. There will be a "hot dog roast" at the clubhouse this Saturday, September 17, 2011 beginning at
5:00 P.M. for club members. Members may bring something to share, but it is not necessary. Levis Curry was
the winner of the evening's door prize. Special thanks was extended to Carol and Jim Dambach for preparing the
refreshments for the meeting. The next Board of Directors' meeting will be Monday, September 26,
2011. The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday, October 10, 2011. All meetings begin at 7:00 P.M.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
For Your Information:
There will be a "hot dog roast" held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club on Saturday,
September 17, 2011 beginning at 5:00 P.M. for any club member who would like to attend. Members
may bring something to share, but it is not required.
Fall Turkey Shoot results - September 6, 2011:
The following participants were winners at the first Fall turkey shoot of the season: David Verone,
Bob Mohr, George Brenneman, Mark Verone, Frank Nofsker, Ed Scala, Jack Hunter, Jim Cory and
Daren Weingartner. Fall turkey shoots will continue at the clubhouse located at 2406 Wampum Road
(Route 288) in Wayne Township every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M.. through November 22, 2011. These shoots
are open to the public and if enough youth are present, a special shoot will be held just for them,
provided they have a guardian with them. The cost is $2.25 @ line and winners may receive either a
turkey, ham or cash prize.
Monthly Meeting Minutes - July 11, 2011:
President Bill Boots led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the club's monthly meeting.
Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by the
members who were present. Paul Aiken gave an update on the weekly trap shoots. This event is open
to the public and is held every Tuesday at the clubhouse located at 2406 Ellwood-Wampum Road
(Rte. 288) in Wayne Twp. through August 30, 2011. Trap shoots begin at 6:00 P.M. and those wishing to
participate should bring their own gun and ammunition. The club sponsored their 2nd Annual Youth
Field Day on Saturday, July 9, 2011 which was organized by Paul Aiken. The club's annual family picnic
will be held on Sunday, August 7, 2011 beginning at 1:00 P.M. Special activities will be available for the
youth who attend. Carl Custozzo announced that the Fall turkey shoots would begin on Tuesday,
September 6, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. and continue each Tuesday through November 22, 2011. Club members
are reminded about the range rules; specifically that only club members are to use the range and that
shooting hours for Sundays are from 1:00 - 6:00 P.M. ONLY. Special thanks to Lee Winegar and Adam
Kelly who served refreshments. The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Monday, August 8,
2011 at 7:00 P.M.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
For Your Information:
The Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club held their 2nd annual Youth Field Day on Saturday, July 9,
2011. The club officers and directors would like to extend their appreciation to those who made
donations to the event, specifically the Ellwood City Ledger, Birchwood Casey in MN, Pete's Uptown
Beverage Center, Randall Guns, Gary Minnittes, Tom Kelly, Lou Santillo, Spencer Renner, Ryan Chevits
(sponsor) and the Laurel Conservation Club. The Youth Field Day included safety instruction for the
shooting of crossbows, compound bows, flintlock and inline muzzleloading rifles, shotguns and .22
caliber rifles