Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club

President Bill Boots led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were
read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by those present. Carl Custozzo
announced that the final Fall turkey shoot wasn't well attended on November 26, 2013 because of
the snowstorm. The Spring turkey shoots will be held from March 4 - April 8, 2014. Dick Bayer said
the next Lawrence County Council meeting will be held on December 19, 2013 at the Mahoning
Sportsman's Club beginning at 7:00 P.M. Our club's fishing event for Junior members will be held
on Saturday, April 19 beginning at 8:00 A.M. according to Bob Horton. He said adults can fish the
area beginning Saturday, April 26, 2014. Bob will purchase fishing rods and reels from O'Donnell's
Bait Shop because they provided the bait last year. Dick Bayer suggested a sign for publicity.
Carol Dambach will have a can for donations toward the club's fishing event at our annual banquet
on March 15, 2014. Carl Custozzo will purchase shells for the Spring turkey shoots. Dick Bayer
said that there is a proposal before the PA Game Commission for a $25 bounty on coyotes. Bill
Boots provided the evening's refreshments. Carol Dambach volunteered to provide refreshments
for the next regular monthly meeting on January 13, 2014. The winner of the evening's door prize
was Ron Aiken.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
The PA Fish and Boat Commission is reminding boaters that as of November 1 a mandatory
life jacket wearing regulation is in effect for those on boats less than 16 feet in length. This regulation
states that a person shall wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flatation device during the cold
weather months from Nov. 1 through April 30 while under way or at anchor on boats less than 16 feet
in length or any canoe or kayak. More information may be obtained at: fishandboat.com.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 26, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, November 26, 2013: Ed Scala, Maura Aiken, Kent Butler, Jim Marsh, Aaron Kelly, Joe Moore, Bill
Hart and Jim Mack. All winners had their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. The officers & directors thank every-
one who supported these fundraisers. The Spring turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 and will
continue each Tuesday through April 8, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M. These shoots are open to the public.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 19, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, November 19, 2013: Jack Hunter, BIll Shuttleworth, David Byler, Tom O'Brien, Ed Sneizek, Jim Cory,
Dan Zappia, Brodi Beachem, Don Reed, Dallas Parr, Bob Ewing, Anthony Agostinelli, Mike Rollins and Ed Scala, The
winner of the evening's special shoot just for youth was Grayson Dwyer. All winners have their choice of a turkey, ham
or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public. All participants should provide their own ear protection. Each week
a shoot for youth who are 15 years of age or younger will be held if enough participants have either a parent or guardian
present to supervise them. The next turkey shoot will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 and will be the last one
for the Fall. The first Spring turkey shoot will be on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 6:30 P.M.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 12, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, November 12, 2013: Frank Nofsker, David Byler, David Moore, Chuck Bingle, Ed Scala, Brian Nofsker,
Bill Shuttleworth, Russ Russell, Bill Mack, Jim Brown, Tom O'Brien, Frank Miller, Curtis Pagley, John Pratt
and Craig Wimer. The winner of the evening's special shoot just for youth was Seth Kristophel. All winners have their
choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public. All participants should provide their own
ear protection. Each week a shoot for youth who are 15 years of age or younger will be held if enough participants
have either a parent or guardian present to supervise them. Turkey shoots will continue through Tuesday, November
26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be held on November 19, 2013.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - Novmeber 11, 2013:
ELECTION OF OFFICERS & DIRECTORS FOR 2014 - Monday, November 11,
2013 at the 7:00 P.M. regular monthly meeting.
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by President Bill Boots who led the members
in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice
Greathouse, and approved by the members who were present. Carl Custozzo thanked Dick Bayer
for suggesting that the club purchase a larger upright freezer last year to accommodate all of the
turkeys and hams that are needed for the Fall and Spring turkey shoots. All of the extra pallets from
LeRoy Houk's recent fish fry were taken up to the rifle range for target shooting. Ray Rava and
Dick Bayer provided cardboard and repaired the sandbags for the range as well. Bob Horton,
Range Officer, cleaned the range rule sign which had sustained some recent damage. Dick Bayer
announced that there will be a bus that is sponsored by the Lawrence County Council for those
wishing to attend the 2nd Amendment Rally in Harrisburg this April 2014. All council clubs were
asked to make a contribution for the transportation. Paul Aiken shared information concerning
the 26 students who attended the November 3, 2013 Hunter Education Class at the Lawrence
County Sportsman's Club. He said that our club will host the event on Saturday, June 21, 2014
with a special clinic for teaching youth how to shoot to be held on Sunday, June 22nd, 2014. Carl
Custozzo indicated that the American Legion will hold their monthly meetings at the clubhouse on
the first Sunday of each month beginning at 7:00 P.M. Carol Dambach, Lawrence Co. Council
alternate representative, indicated that Lawrence County will receive 2,000 pheasants to be
stocked by the PA Game Commission this year. She also announced that Joe Morris will retire
from the PA FIsh & Boat Commission effective Feb. 28, 2014. Mentored trout fishing for youth
will be held in the state on April 15, 2014. Tim Kelly, Lawrence County Council representative,
added that the council's "Draw Down" fundraiser will be held on January 25, 2014 with doors
opening at 4:00 P.M. and the meal beginning at 6:00 P.M. There will be NO council meeting for
the month of November. The following people (with their sponsors) were voted on and approved
for membership: Clarence Barr/Larry Baker, Laurie Jorden/Gerald Huffman, and John Ireno/Mark
Schaas. On the last Monday of the month, a Board of Directors' meeting WILL be held because
the first day of rifle deer season doesn't begin until December 2, 2013. The President of the Laurel Conservation Club, Austin Green, attended the meeting and requested a donation from our club for the Laurel Sportsman's Night Out which will be held on Friday, February 21, 2014 with doors opening at 5:30 P.M. He said that the main speaker will be Cal DuBrock from the PA Game Commission. There will be a taxidermy display and raffles will be held in the school's cafeteria. The winner of the evening's door prize was Steve Keener.
The results of the evening's election for 2014 were: President - William B. Boots, 1st Vice
President - Ron Aiken, 2nd Vice President - Tim Kelly, Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse,
Treasurer - Ray Beadling, Membership Secretary - Beverly Capezio, Range Officer - Bob Horton,
NRA Executive Officer - Paul Aiken, Lawrence County Council Representative - Tim Kelly, Alternate
delegate - Carol Dambach. A two year term is served by the Board of Directors (2012/14) - Carl
Custozzo, Carol Dambach, Tim Kelly, Ray Rava, Don Taylor, John Wilmes and Daren Weingartner.
Board of Directors (2013/15) who will be voted on NEXT November - Dick Bayer, Levis Curry, Jim
Dambach, LeRoy Houk, Jack Hunter, Carl Jaskolka and David Shaffer. Those who left office and
will serve a 1 year term only on the board of directors for 2014 are Fred Moyer and Lee Winegar.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 5, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, November 5, 2013: Chuck Bingle, George Brenneman, Don Minteer, Curtis Pagley, Russ Russell,
Ed Scala, Josh Syphrit, Ron Boxen, Ron Boxx, Paul Aiken and Emma Beachem. All winners have their choice of a
turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public. All participants should provide their own ear
protection. A special shoot for youth, ages 15 and younger, will be held if there are enough participants who have
either a parent or guardian present to supervise them. Turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through November
26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be on November 12, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 29, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, October 29, 2013: Shawn Kristophel, George Brenneman, Jim Cory, David Byler, Don Reed, Bill
Shuttleworth, Chuck Bingle, Tom O'Brien, Joe Mack, Bill Hanes, Ed Brock, Ron Boxx, Ron Boxen and Levis Curry.
Winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public and participants
should provide their own ear protection. A special shoot for youth who are ages 15 and younger will be held if there
are enough participants who have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. Turkey shoots will continue each
Tuesday through November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be on November 5, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 22, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, October 22, 2013: Jim Cory, David Caccia, Don Minteer, Bob Rowley, David Byler, Brian Nofsker,
Matt Gebhardt, Ed Scala, Ron Boxen, Ron Boxx, Matt Gibbs and Joe Maple. Winners have their choice of a turkey,
ham or cash prize and these shoots are open to the public. All participants should provide their own ear protection.
If enough youth, ages 15 and younger, are willing to participate and have a parent or guardian present to supervise
them, a special shoot will be held just for them. Turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through November 26,
2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be on October 29, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 15, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot which was held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun
Club on Tuesday, October 15, 2013: Steve Kimmel, Brian Nofsker, Logan Makepeace, Zane Fernandez, David Moore,
David Byler, David Caccia, Larry Baker, Tim Sharketti, Dick Bayer, Ed Scala and Matt Gebhardt. These shoots are
open to the public and winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. All participants should provide their
own ear protection. There will be a special shoot just for youth who are ages 15 and younger if there are enough
participants and they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. Turkey shoots will continue each
Tuesday through November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be on October 22, 2013.
The monthly meeting was brought to order by the 1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, who led those in attendance in
the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved
by the members. Clarification was made concerning the shooting hours on Sunday for the outdoor range to be from
1:00 P.M. to DUSK. Carl Custozzo gave a report concerning the Tuesday evening turkey shoots. They will continue
through November 26, 2013 (the last Tuesday before Thanksgiving). Everyone was urged to be aware of any safety
issues that might occur during the turkey shoots. It was announced that the club's annual banquet for 2014 will be
held at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall on Saturday, March 15, 2014 beginning at 6:00 P.M. SHARP! The doors
will open at 4:30 P.M. The annual newsletter will be mailed at the end of January with the reservation form for tickets
to the banquet. Carol Dambach asked for any nominations for officers or directors and reminded those present that
the annual election will be held on November 11, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. during the regular monthly meeting. Bob Horton,
range officer, announced that the outdoor range has been mowed and is in good condition for those who use it. Tim
Kelly announced that the Lawrence County Council's "Draw Down" will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2014
beginning at 4:30 P.M. The next council meeting will be held this Thursday, October 17, 2013 at the Coon & Fox
Club beginning at 8:00 P.M. The Lawrence County Sportsmen's Club will sponsor a Hunter Education class at their
club on Sunday, November 3, 2013 (30 seats are already filled). Bob Horton told the members that he located 3
American Chestnut trees locally. Dick Bayer reminded everyone that the tick problem still exists in the area.
LeRoy Houk was the winner of the evening's door prize. Beverly Capezio made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Rev. Bill Doyle.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse ___________________________________________________________________
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 8, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club on
Tuesday, October 8, 2013: David Byler, Jim Cory, Brian Nofsker, Bill Shuttleworth, Ed Scala, Mike Webber, Steve
Kimmel, Matt Smith, Russ Barge, Chuck Bingle, Bob Mohr, Tom O'Brien, Wayne Huddy, Niko Bryant, Paul Aiken
and Spencer Renner. Results will also be announced in the Ellwood City Ledger. These shoots are open to the
public and winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Participants are to provide their own ear
protection. If enough youth, ages 15 and younger, wish to participate, there will be a special shoot just for them if
they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. The physical address of the clubhouse is 2406 Wampum
Road, Wampum, PA 16157 for those who wish to use a GPS unit. The turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday
through November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot will be held on October 15, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 1, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club on
Tuesday, October 1, 2013: Ed Scala, Chris Hardie, Marcus Hobel, David Caccia, Kent Butler, Steve Kimmel, David
Byler, Steve Kimmel, Jr., Joe Mack, Jim Norris, Mike Reece, Paul Aiken, Jr., Matt Smith and Spencer Renner. The
shoots are open to the public and winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Participants need to
provide their own ear protection. If enough youth, ages 15 and younger, wish to participate, there will be a special
shoot just for them if they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. The physical address of the club-
house is 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157 for those wishing to use a GPS unit. These turkey shoots
will continue each Tuesday through November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The next shoot willl be held on
October 8, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 24, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held on Tuesday, September 24, 2013: Chris Hardie,
Chuck Bingle, Brian Nofsker, Jim Cory, Markus Hobel, John Lubich, David Rowley, Bob Mohr, Joe Mack, Jim Lewis,
Russ Russell, Justin George, David Byler, Matt Hooker and Aaron Kelly. Results will also be published in the Ellwood
City Ledger. These shoots are open to the public and winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize.
Participants are to provide their own ear protection. If enough youth, ages 15 and younger, wish to participate, there
will be a special shoot just for them if they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. The physical address
of the clubhouse is 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157 for those who need to use a GPS unit. Turkey shoots
will continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 26, 2013. The next shoot will be held on October 1, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 17, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held on Tuesday, September 17, 2013: Jarett Lubich,
Jim Cory, David Caccia, Frank Miller, Kent Butler, Ron Boxen, Mike Beal, Steve Kimmel, Russ Russell, Ron Boxx,
Joe Morey and Clancey Barr. These shoots are open to the public and winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or
cash prize. Participants are to provide their own ear protection. If enough youth, age 15 and younger, wish to
participate, there will be a special shoot just for them if they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them.
Those who need to locate the club with a GPS unit can use the physical address of the club at 2406 Wampum Road,
Wampum, PA 16157. Turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 26, 2013. The next
shoot will be held on September 24, 2013.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 10, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013: Brian Nofsker,
Kent Butler, John Lubich, Camanin Coleman, Aaron Kelly, Larry Baker, Jim Hunt, Joe Mack, Dave Moore and George
Tincani. These shoots are open to the public and participants are to provide their own ear protection. Winners have
their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. If enough youth, age 15 and younger, wish to participate, there will be a
special shoot just for them if they have a parent or guardian present to supervise them. Those who need to locate the
club with a GPS unit can use the physical address of 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157. Turkey shoots will
continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 26, 2013 - the next shoot will be held on September 17, 2013.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - September 9, 2013:
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading the 27 members who were present in the
Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Sectetary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by
the members who were present. Carol Dambach said that Range Officer, Bob Horton, asked her to report that he
changed the sign on the rifle range to read "Sunday shooting hours are 1:00 P.M. to dusk", but a squirrel chewed it
up along with the end of one of the sand bags. LeRoy Houk said that both fields were cut. Carl Custozzo reminded
the members that the fall turkey shoots had already begun and would continue each Tuesday beginning at 6:30 P.M.
through November 26, 2013. John Wilmes announced that a hot dog/corn roast would be held at the club this
Saturday, September 14, 2013 beginning at 5:00 P.M. All club members are invited and encouraged to bring their
families and a dish to share. Paul Aiken gave a financial report from the summer's trap shoots for June-August.
Lawrence County Council representative, Carol Dambach reported that 177 students attended the Youth Field Day
held on August 3, 2013 at the Mahoning Sportsmen's Club. It was also reported that Laurel High School's recent
Hunter Education Class had 84 attend. Pres. Boots assigned a Nominating Committee for the November 11, 2013
election consisting of Paul Aiken, Daren Weingartner, Carol Dambach, Carl Jaskolka and David Shaffer. Ron Aiken
was the winner of the evening's door prize. Levis Curry provided the meal for those who were in attendance. John
Wilmes made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second from Ray Beadling.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 3, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the first Fall turkey shoot held at the club located at 2406 Wampum
Road, Wampum, PA 16157 on Tuesday, September 3, 2013: Dick Bayer, Dallas Parr, Jarett Lubich, Chris Hardie,
Chuck Bingle, George Tincani, Kent Butler, Ron Boxx and Larry Baker. All winners have their choice of a turkey,
ham or cash prize. Participants should bring their own ear protection. There will be a special shoot just for youth
who are 15 years old and younger next week if they have a parent or guardian with them to supervise. These
shoots are open to the public and will continue each Tuesday through November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
President Bill Boots led the 27 members present in the Pledge of Allegiance as he called the monthly meeting
to order. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by those present. Janice explained the raffle ticket for sale that is being sponsored by the PFSC (PA Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs) for the entire month of November 2013 based on the PA 7:00 P.M. 4-digit number. Two numbers are on the $10 tickets. A special discount is available if the same person wishes to purchase 6 of these tickets - the price will be $50 total. Cash prizes are available each day during the month on this calendar ticket ranging from $200-$1,000. Bob Horton proposed that the officers and directors consider eliminating the 6:00 P.M. Sunday shooting restriction at the outdoor range because of available daylight hours during the summer months. It will be discussed further at the next board meeting on August 26, 2013. Carl Custozzo reminded everyone that the Fall turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. and continue each Tuesday through November 26, 2013. Turkeys, hams and cash prizes are available to the winners of each round. These shoots are open to the public. Participants are encouraged to bring their own ear protection. President Boots thanked everyone who prepared the club for yesterday's annual family picnic. It was well attended and Bob Horton was the winner of the afternoon's door prize. Questions were addressed and answered concerning the type of ammunition that is to be used on the club's indoor shooting range. Don Taylor was the winner of the evening's door prize. Jim Dambach made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Levis Curry. The meeting was adjourned and the members enjoyed the remaining food dishes from yesterday's picnic.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse and approved by the members who
were present. Lawrence County Sportsmen's Club requested a late season Hunter Education class on Sunday,
November 3, 2013. Special thanks to Paul Aiken and LeRoy Houk who stamped the new rifle range keys with Bob
Horton's donated stamps. Today was the first day for antlerless deer applications to be mailed to the "County
Treasurer". Paul Aiken announced that a Handgun Safety Class will be held at our clubhouse on Saturday, August
24, 2013 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. with target practice afterwards and registration beginning at 9:30 A.M.
Lawrence County Council representative, Carol Dambach, read the minutes from the meeting that was held at the
Mahoning Sportsmen's Club on June 20, 2013. She reminded everyone that the Lawrence County Youth Field Day
was going to be held on Saturday, August 3, 2013 at the Mahoning Sportsmen's Club. She also suggested some
prizes that our club could donate that would be given away that day to the youth who participated. Range Officer,
Bob Horton, said that the rifle range road was passable with any type of vehicle since he took his car up to the
range yesterday - he said that you just have to travel slowly. He also mentioned that shooters should be careful
around the target box until he can get some spray because the box has some bees that have made their home in
it recently. Trap shoots will continue each Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. through August 27, 2013. Carl Custozzo
announced that Fall turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 and continue every Tuesday through
November 26, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. There will be a general club "workday" on Wednesday, July 31 &
August 7, 2013 beginning at 4:30 P.M. each evening. LeRoy Houk will plan on getting corn on the cob for the club's
annual family picnic on Sunday, August 11, 2013 from 1:00-3:00 P.M. Carol Dambach reminded the members
about our club hosting the Lawrence County Council meeting on Thursday, August 8, 2013 beginning at 8:00 P.M.
Carl Custozzo said that he would order the meal for the club representatives. Special thanks to Carol & Jim
Dambach for providing refreshments for the members present. Paul Aiken was the winner of the evening's door
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
NOTICE: The club's rifle range will be closed on Friday, June 21 & Saturday, June
22, 2013 because of the shooting events that will take place at the club during the
Hunter/Trapper Education Class & the 4th Annual Beginners' Shooting Clinic. We
are sorry for any inconvience that this may cause club members. Any future closings
will be posted on the range road gate as well. Please remember that only club
members may use the rifle range (NO GUESTS) and only ADULTS (ages 18 and
older) may be in possession of a key for the locked gate as well as be a member in
good standing. Adults are NOT TO LOAN their keys to anyone!
Submitted by the Board of Directors according to the club's Range Rules
1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, led the 31 members present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Dick Bayer reported on
the Lawrence County Council meeting that was held at the Mahoning Sportsman's Club on Thursday, May 16, 2013
at 8:00 P.M. The Lawrence County Youth Field Day will be held on Sunday, August 3, 2013 at the Mahoning
Sportsmen's Club this year. The PFSC (PA Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs) has a cash raffle ticket ($200-$1,000)
for the entire month of November 2013 based on the 4-digit 7:00 P.M. PA lottery number. The tickets have 2 4-digit
numbers on them and cost $10 each or 6/$50. Dick Bayer made a motion that the club purchase 6 tickets/$50 and
give them out as door prizes this evening based on our door prize tickets, a second was made by Janice Greathouse. (motion passed). John Wilmes was the winner of the regular drawing and the winners of the 6 PFSC tickets were Janice Greathouse, Donald Cripe, Dick Bayer, MaryAnn Shaffer, Daren Weingartner and Bob Horton. Paul Aiken reported that the first trap shoot was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 beginning at 6 P.M. and had 4 rounds that were shot. The Hunter/Trapper Education Class will be held at our clubhouse on Friday, June 21, 2013 from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. The 4th Annual Beginning Shooters' Clinic will held on Saturday, June 22, 2013 from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Lunch will be served to the participants both days. The club's outdoor range will be closed both days so that class participants will have complete access to the range. Saturday, June 29, 2013 our club will host a "Safe Handgun Class" for a maximum of 25 participants from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. for instructional time and the range time will be held immediately afterwards. Those who are interested in attending should check with Paul Aiken for class availability. John Wilmes thanked everyone present for the birthday cake and retirement recognition at the picnic that was held on Saturday, June 8, 2013. The club's annual family picnic will be held at the clubhouse in the Ted Garda NRA Learning Center on Sunday, August 11, 2013 beginning at 1 P.M. Those attending may bring something to share if they wish. The state's next "Fish for Free Day" will be held on Independence Day, July 4, 2013 (Thursday). "Fish for Free Days" allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish with NO FISHING LICENSE on all of
Pennsylvania's waterways on this designated day. All other fishing regulations still apply. Details may be found
on the Fish & Boat Commission's web site.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
NO BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING on Monday, May 27, 2013 because of the
Memorial Day holiday. Thank you to our Veterans!___________________________________________________________________
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order and led them in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were
44 club members present for this meeting. Bob Horton reminded everyone that the rifle range is to be used from
1:00 to 6:00 P.M. only on Sundays out of consideration of the church services in Chewton & Wampum. P.J. Aiken
& Ray Rava presented a proposal for the trap shoot station pads. Bill Boots encouraged P.J. to apply for a grant
for youth benefits. P.J. is going to hold a specialty class for archery instruction in August. Six 3-D targets are needed and he asked the club to help out with a McKenzie target that encourages others to participate like the trap shoots. Bill Boots made a motion, with a second from Carol Lutz to support P.J. (motion passed). John Wilmes brought up that the idea of buying some 3-D targets was discussed last year by the directors and that we should try to accomodate P.J.'s request. Carol Dambach read the Lawrence County Council meeting minutes from May 16, 2013. Jack Hunter has approximately 400 tree seedlings that need to be planted on the club property and would appreciate as much help as possible planting them. Trap shoots will be conducted every Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. behind the clubhouse from June 4 through August 27, 2013. These shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own gun & box of 25 shells for each round that they want to shoot. A Hunter/Trapper Education class will be held at the club on Friday, June 21, 2013. All participants should pre-register on the PA Game Commission's website. The 4th annual "Beginning Shooter's Clinic" will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday, June 22, 2013. Anyone who is interested should register with Paul (P.J.)` Aiken in advance. Carl Custozzo gave a report for the 6 weeks of Spring turkey shoots that were held at the club between March 5 to April 9, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. every Tuesday. He also announced that the Fall turkey shoots will begin on September 3rd and continue each Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. through November 26, 2013. The PA Commonwealth has two annual Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission "Fish-for-Free Days" a year. For 2013, these days are May 27 (Memorial Day) and July 4 (Independence Day). Tim Kelly announced that the club will host a hot dog roast/picnic for any club member who would like to attend on Saturday, June 8, 2013. Those who attend should bring something to share and meet at the club between 4-5:00 P.M. Anyone who sold tickets for the club's June Raffle Ticket fundraiser should have all ticket stubs & money turned in by this evening's meeting. The calendar ticket offers $50 @ day for the whole month of June for each person who correctly selects the PA 3-digit lottery number at 7:00 P.M. (there may be more than one winner each day & each person will receive $50 on this ticket). More club members are encouraged to sign up to provide refreshments for the rest of 2013. The Board of Directors agreed that there would be no meeting on the last Monday of May due to the Memorial Day holiday. The next regular monthly meeting will be held on Monday, June 10, 2013.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - April 9, 2013:
The final Spring turkey shoot winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club on April 9, 2013 were:
David Moore, Frank Nofsker, Chuck Bingle, Bill Shuttleworth, Steve Kimmel, Ed Sniezek, Larry Baker, Brian
Nofsker, Dan Smiley, Dan Byler, Chris Hardy, Ed Scala, Mike Rollins, Bob Michaels, David Caccia and Tom
O'Brien. The special "youth shoot" winner was Shane Price. All winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or
cash prize. The Fall turkey shoots will begin on September 3, 2013 and continue each Tuesday at
6:30 P.M. through November 26, 2013 behind the clubhouse located at 2406 Route 288, Wayne Twp in
Ellwood City. The officers and directors of the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club would like to thank everyone
who has made these shoots so successful.
Trap shoots will be held at the club during the summer months. These shoots are open to the public and
will begin on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 and continue at 6:00 P.M. each Tuesday through August 27, 2013.
Participants must bring their own gun and ammunition (25 shells for each round) for these shoots. Please visit
the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com for additional information concerning club
activities/events throughout the year.
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
He read a letter from Ray Rava concerning gun control and background checks since the Sandy Hook Elementary
School shooting on December 14, 2012. Carl Custozzo announced that the last spsring turkey shoot will be
tomorrow evening (April 9, 2013). Bob Horton said that the range will get new cardboard. P.J. Aiken said that the
next Hunter Trapper Education class will be held at the Mahoning Sportsman's Club on June 8, 2013. Our club's
class will be held on Friday, June 21, 2013. Anyone needing to register for a class needs to do so on the PA Game
Commission's web site under the "Education" tab. P.J. will hold a speciality class in July and a "cable restraints"
class in August. Dick Bayer thanked the club members for the get well card for his wife, Rose. Carol Dambach read
the minutes from the March Lawrence County Council meeting. This Saturday, April 13, 2013, P.J. Aiken will hold
an NRA firearm safety class beginning at 10 A.M. for $25. Jim Dambaugh introduced David Caccia for membership.
John Wilmes won the evening's door prize. Jim Dambach made a motion to close the meeting at 9:00 P.M. with a
second by Levis Curry.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - April 2, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the spring turkey shoot that was held on April 2, 2013 at the
Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club: Mike Rollins, Bill Shuttleworth, Chuck Bingle, Terry Davis, Stephen Owens, Steve
Kimmel, Jodi Davis, David Moore, Chris Hardy, Jim Cory, Dan Smiley, Aaron Kelly, Paul Aiken and Tom O'Brien.
Next week, April 9, 2013 will be the final turkey shoot for the spring season. Trap shoots will be held every
Tuesday at the clubhouse during the summer, June 4th through August 27th, starting at 6:00 P.M. These shoots
are open to the public, just like the turkey shoots. Participants need to bring their own gun/ammunition for this
event (25 shots @ round).
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 26, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the spring turkey shoot held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club
on Tuesday, March 26, 2013: Kent Butler, David Byler, Bill Shuttleworth, Steve Kimmel, Ed Scala, Russ Russell,
Chris Hardy, Chuck Bingle, Robin Shoaff, Dan Smilley, Casey Goebel, John Goebel, Joe Moss and Jim Freed.
Spring turkey shoots will continue until next week, April 9, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse located at
2406 Route 288, Wayne Twp. in Ellwood City. If enough youth are present that are ages 15 and younger with a
parent/guardian, a special shoot will be available just for them. Winners are given their choice of a turkey, ham or
cash prize. The next shoot will be held on April 2, 2013.
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 19, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood-Wampum Rod and Gun Club's spring turkey shoot on
March 19, 2013: Russ Russell, Bill Lutz, Chris Barrett, Steve Kimmel, Ed Scala, David Verone, David Moore, Dan
Smalley, Jim Reed, Joe Gibson, Clancy Barr, Frank Miller, Jr., Larry Baker, Frank Miller Sr., Bo Timmerman and
Bob Bird. The spring turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through April 9 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the
clubhouse located at 2406 Route 288, Wayne Township. If enough youth (ages 15 and younger) are present with a
parent or guardian, a special shoot will be held just for them. Winners are given their choice of a turkey, ham or
cash prize. The next shoot will be held March 26, 2013.
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 12, 2013:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood-Wampum Rod and Gun Club's spring turkey shoot on March
12, 2013: Ed Scala, Bill Shuttleworth, Matt Gebhardt, Jim Cory, Frank Nofsker, Ron Boxx, Russ Russell, Jim Ross,
Aaron Kelly, David Moore, Dave Byler and Spencer Renner. Spring turkey shoots take place beginning at 6:30 P.M
. every Tuesday through April 9th at the clubhouse located at 2406 Route 288, Wayne Township. If enough youth
(ages 15 and younger) are present with a parent or guardian, a special shoot will be held just for them. Winners have
their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. The next shoot will be March 19, 2013. ___________________________________________________________________
The monthly meeting was called to order by 1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, who led those present in the Pledge
of Allegiance. Lawrence County Council representative, Tim Kelly, gave a report from the meeting that was held on
February 21, 2013 at the Coon & Fox Club. He informed the members about the profit that was made from the "Draw
Down" dinner held at the Shenango Twp. V.F.D. on January 26, 2013. This event remains the council's only
fundraiser - the fire hall has been reserved on January 25, 2014 for the same event. The PA Fish & Boat Commission WCO, Joe Morris, announced that the Linesville State Hatchery Open House will be held on April 6, 2013 from 11:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. All boat owners should have their boat registration renewed by March 31st. Bob Horton announced that trout season will begin on Saturday, April 13, 2013. The Lawrence County Youth Field Day will be held on August 3, 2013 at the Mahoning Sportsmen's Association Club. Ryan Miles is collecting applications for this year's Youth Mentored Camp. This year's Spring Convention for the PFSC (Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs) will be held on March 22-24, 2013 at the Holiday Inn in Clarion, PA. Carl Custozzo announced that the spring turkey shoots for our club began on March 5th and will continue to be held at 6:30 P.M. each Tuesday at the club through April 9, 2013. Winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public. LeRoy Houk is finalizing plans for the club's Annual Banquet that will be held this Saturday, March 16, 2013 at the New Beaver Borough V.F.D. Hall with doors opening at 4:30 P.M. and the dinner beginning promptly at 6:00 P.M. There are 212 reservations that have been made for this fundraising event. Paul Aiken announced that anyone who wants to take the Hunter Education Class at our club this summer should register on the web site for the PA Game Commission. Janice Greathouse was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 5, 2013:
The first spring turkey shoot of the year was held at the clubhouse on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 with the following
participants winning: George Tincani, Jarett Lubich, Frank Nofsker, David Caccia, Chuck Bingle, Frank Miller, Tom
O'Brien, Steve Kimmel, Jim Webb, Larry Baker, Joe Mitter and Bill Green. Winners have their choice of a turkey,
ham or cash prize. The shoots will be held at 6:30 P.M each Tuesday through April 9, 2013 at the clubhouse located
at 2406 Route 288, Wayne Twp. in Ellwood City. If enough youth are present with a parent/guardian to supervise them, a special shoot for the youth will be held. The next shoot will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2013. The winners will be posted in the Ellwood City Ledger and on the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - February 11, 2013:
1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Carl Custozzo took the minutes until the recording secretary, Janice Greathouse, could get to the meeting. In correspondence, it was revealed that universal background checks are not a good idea because you would have to pay for all gun trades to your own children. A report was given from Bob Horton, Carol Dambach and Carl Jaskolka concerning the meeting they attended about the legal representation for the pipeline. The board of directors will have to make a decision at the meeting on February 25, 2013 concerning the direction they would like to take concerning this matter. LeRoy Houk reported on his progress with the prizes and details concerning the club's Annual Banquet which will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2013 at the New Beaver Borough V.F.D. hall with doors opening at 4:30 P.M. and dinner being served promptly at 6:00 P.M. Paul Aiken announced that he will hold a firearms class in April at the clubhouse and also reported on Hunter/Trapper Education changes. It was decided that Janice should purchase various cards (get well, greeting and sympathy cards) to be kept on hand at the club if they are needed on a meeting night. Lawrence County Council representative, Tim Kelly, announced that the PFSC Spring Convention will be held on March 22 & 23, 2013 at the Clarion Holiday Inn. The evening's door prize was won by Fred Moyer.
Submitted by Carl Custozzo and Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading the members in the Pledge of
Allegiance. It was announced that if anyone was at the meeting for memberships, they needed to fill out an application and be in possession of their NRA cards. Joe Morris from the PA Fish and Boat Commission spoke about new rules/legislation and licensing for 3 & 5 years. Kevin Bowser, representing Jaret Gibbons, brought our club a new U.S. & PA state flag to display. Larry Hergenroeder, the PA Game Commissioner from Mercer County, gave information about H.B. 13. Ralph Martone, President of the PA Game Commission, gave information concerning 2013 issues - archery season will end later on November 16th, Fall turkey season for 2F & 2G will be reduced from 3 weeks to 2 weeks because of a biologist study. It is proposed for W.M.U. 2B that centerfire rifles for the late season of Dec. 26 - the end of January be eliminated. The PA Game Commission will meet Sunday, January 27 through Tuesday, January 29 with voting being conducted on the 29th. Those who are interested may watch the "live feed" through their web page on the Internet concerning the proceedings. There were 200,000 pheasents released in 2012 at a cost of $25.00-35.00 @ bird. Mr. Martone indicated that during his 1st year of presidency with the PA Game Commission, he signed 14,000 acres into gamelands. There is currently no age limit for mentored youth hunting - some parents are getting children licences from birth so they will have hunting licenses for their whole life. Dick Bayer announced that the "Draw Down" for the Lawrence County Council will be held on January 26, 2013 at the Shenango V.F.D. with doors opening at 4:00 P.M. and the dinner beginning at 6:00 P.M. Only 100 tickets will be available for purchase at a cost of $50.00. Our club's door prize donation for the event is a rangefinder. Bob Horton gave a report about the Fish Committee's meeting which took place at 6:30 P.M. today. April 13, 2013 is the opening day of Trout season in our area this year. Tim Kelly had the tickets printed for the June raffle which will have a give-away of $50 @ day. Tickets will be stuffed with the annual newsletter at the directors' meeting on January 28, 2013. Reservation forms for the Annual Banquet need to be returned by March 9, 2013 with a check made out to the "Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club", P.O. Box 442, Ellwood City, PA 16117. Dinners are still priced at $13.00 for either stuffed chicken breast, braised steak or stuffed pork chop dinners. The guest speaker
for the evening's event is Buddy Stang, a champion wild turkey call maker. Spring turkey shoots will be held from
March 5 - April 9, 2013 beginning at 6:30 P.M. The club will host a Hunter/Trapper Education class on Friday,
June 21, 2013 and the 4th Annual Beginner's Shooting Clinic on Saturday, June 22, 2013. Paul Aiken will announce
the times at a later date. The annual dues for the PFSC were paid by treasurer, Fred Moyer, based on the 2012
membership numbers. Fred Moyer was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dick Bayer, County Council representative, announced that a representative from
BOTH the PA Game Commission and the PA Fish & Boat Commission will attend the club's first meeting of the new
year on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. to meet with the members and discuss items of interest as well
as answer questions pertaining to their specific agencies. Bob Horton called a special meeting of the Fish Committee the same day, but at 6:30 P.M. before the regular meeting. Support the club by planning to attend this important meeting.