Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club
The monthly meeting was called to order by President William B. Boots at 7:00 P.M. by leading the members in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. A letter was read from our insurance company concerning our fire extinguishers and no wood/paper allowed within 3 feet of the furnace. Fall turkey shoots are finished for the season, but will resume in the Spring beginning March 3, 2015 and continuing every Tuesday through April 14, 2015 starting at 6:30 P.M. each evening. Jim Dambach thanked everyone who helped in any way during the last 13 weeks of this fundraiser. Bob Horton announced that the club's 4th Annual Youth Trout Derby will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 on our club's property. Junior club members (ages 15 and younger) are welcome to attend the derby with a parent or guardian to supervise them. A complimentary lunch will be served to all adults and youth who participate. The derby will begin at 8:00 A.M. and all participants MUST register at the clubhouse first. Prizes will be distributed to the youth at 10:00 A.M. The American Legion will meet at our clubhouse the 2nd Thursday of each month. Jeff Knapp will be the guest speaker for our club's Annual Banquet on February 28, 2015 at the Wurtemburg/ Perry V.F.D. Hall. His topic of discussion will be "Bass Fishing on the Allegheny River". The doors will open at 4:30 P.M. and the dinner will begin promptly at 6:00 P.M. Seating is on a first come basis. Bob Horton will help LeRoy Houk with the collection of donations for the banquet prizes this year. Our club will host the Lawrence County Council meeting this month on Thursday, December 18, 2014 beginning at 7:00 P.M. The meal will be served DURING the meeting time. Jim & Carol Dambach will make ham/bean soup from one of the hams leftover from the turkey shoots. It was reported that a bear was sighted on our property as well as an adjoining property. The bear is apparently busting brush to get berries to eat. Laurie Jordan was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Minutes were taken by Director Carl Custozzo (Thank you, Carl!)
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 26, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's final Fall turkey shoot that was held at the club on Tuesday, November 26, 2014: Zach Pratt, Damon Bumgardner, Tom O'Brien, Clancy Barr, Zachary Mathias and Jim Dambach. Jarett Lubich and Dave Byler were double winners. Each of the winners was given their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. The officers and board of directors would like to thank everyone who helped support this club fundriser. The SPRING turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 and continue each Tuesday through April 14, 2015 starting at 6:30 P.M. All shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own ear protection. More information can be obtained by viewing the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 19, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's turkey shoot that was held on Tuesday, November 19, 2014: Dave Rambo and J.D. Cory. Doug Russell was a double winner. Winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Next Tuesday, November 25, 2014, will be the last shoot of 2014. The SPRING turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 and continue each Tuesday through April 14, 2015 beginning at 6:30 P.M. All shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own ear protection. The clubhouse is located at 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157. More information can be obtained by viewing the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 12, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's turkey shoot on Tuesday, November 12, 2014: Seth Kristophel, Dave Byler, Clancy Barr, Bruce Baker, Brodi Beachem & J.D. Cory. Rey Crespo was a double winner and Craig Wimer was a triple winner. Winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Fall turkey shoots will continue for two more Tuesdays, November 18 & 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M. These shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own ear protection. The clubhouse is located at 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157. More information can be obtained by viewing the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - November 10, 2014:
ELECTION OF OFFICERS & DIRECTORS for 2015 will be held. ALL current members are encouraged to vote for those who will represent them in club business. The meeting begins at 7:00 P.M.
President William B. Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading the 36 members who attended in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by the Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, and approved by those present. The Lawrence County Council delegate, Carol Dambach, read the minutes from their October 16, 2014 meeting. WCO Randy Pilarcik reminded everyone that those on watercraft under 16' must wear their PFDs during cold water months (Nov. 1 - Apr. 30). The Lawrence County Council's "Draw Down" dinner will be held on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at the Shenango V.F.D. Hall. Ralph Martone's PA Game Commissioner position has ended. The "Laurel Sportsman's Night Out" will be held in February, but the date has not yet been set. No donation for the event has been asked for from our club. The next Lawrence County Councel meeting will be held at our clubhouse on Thursday, December 18, 2014 beginning at 7:00 P.M. Ray Rava said the new pole will be set tomorrow for the outside light to benefit the trap shoots. Bill Boots said the insurance inspection was today for the club. Paul Aiken said the fire extinguisher inspection expired and they wanted smoke detectors installed, too. According to the N.R.A., our 5-year "Gold Club" membership status has expired. President Boots said that the American Legion will begin to receive mail in our P.O. Box #442. Carol Dambach said that Cascade Quarry was stocked with 600 Trout. Carol conducted the annual election of officers and directors. The results of the election for 2015 are as follows: President - Jack Hunter, 1st Vice President - Tim Kelly, 2nd Vice President - Jim Dambach, Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse, Treasurer - Ray Beadling, Membership Secretary - Beverly Capezio, Range Officer - Steve Keener, N.R.A. Executive Officer - Paul Aiken; Board of Directors (serving a 2 year term) - Dick Bayer, Chuck Bevington, Levis Curry, Bob Horton, LeRoy Houk, Carl Jaskolka and David Shaffer. William B. Boots and Ron Aiken will have 1 year terms because of leaving their current offices. While votes were tabulated, Life club member/taxidermist, Larry Baker, showed how to cape a deer and get a good cut for a mount. Ron Aiken was the winner of the evening's door prize. Jim Dambach made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Ray Rava. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - November 4, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's turkey shoot on Tuesday, November 4, 2014: Shane Price, Larry Baker, Kole Jenkins and Charlie Kelly.
Dave Byler was a double winner. Winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Fall turkey shoots will be held each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M. These shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own ear protection. The clubhouse is located at 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157. More information can be obtained by viewing the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - October 28, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the turkey shoot held at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club on October 28, 2014: Wyatt Butler, Clancy Barr and George Tincani. Dave Byler was a double winner. Winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Fall turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M. All shoots are open to the public and participants should bring their own ear protection. The clubhouse's physical address is 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157. More information can be obtained by viewing the club's website at: www.ellwoodwampumrodandgunclub.com
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 30, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's fall turkey shoot that was held on Tuesday, September 30, 2014: Damon Bumgardner an+
d Clancy Barr. Double winners were Chuck Bingle, Frank Nofsker and J.D. Corey. Each winner was given their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. ALL club shoots are open to the public. Shoots will be held every Tuesday beginning at 6:30 P.M. through November 25, 2014. TRAP SHOOTS are now held every THURSDAY beginning at 6:00 P.M. through October 30, 2014. Participants in all shoots should bring their own ear protection.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 23, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's fall turkey shoot that was held on Tuesday, September 25, 2014: Chuck Bingle, Anna Yanssens, George Tincani, Larry Baker, Dave Byler, Ron Boxx, and R.J. Beachem. Damon Bumgardner was a double winner. Winners are given their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. All club shoots are open to the public. Shoots will be held each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M. TRAP SHOOTS are now held every THURSDAY at 6:00 P.M. through October 30, 2014. Participants in all shoots are encouraged to bring their own ear protection.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 16, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's fall turkey shoot that was held on Tuesday, September 16, 2014: Don Reed, Ed Sniezek, Dan Byler, MaryAnn Shaffer and Larry Baker. Steve Kimmel and Ed Scala were double winners. All club shoots are open to the public and participants are encouraged to bring their own ear protection. Winners are given their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Shoots will be held each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
FALL TURKEY SHOOT results - September 9, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's fall turkey shoot that was held on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M.: Clancy Barr, John Barton, Don Reed and Chuck Bingle. Tom O'Brien and Steve Kimmel were double winners. All shoots are open to the public and participants are encouraged to bring their own ear protection. Winners are given their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize option. Shoots will be held each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 beginning at 6:30 P.M.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - September 8, 2014:
The 1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, read last month's minutes which were approved by the members who were present. Lawrence County Council representative, Carol Dambach, read the minutes from the August 7, 2014 meeting which was held early because of the Lawrence County Fair. She reported that 210 youth attended the Lawrence Co. Youth Field Day on August 2, 2104. Treasurer, Ray Beadling, asked about purchasing 200 gallons of heating oil for the furnace during the winter. President Boots received a letter dated September 3, 2014 from Royal Dutch Shell concerning acerage which was acquired in Ohio. Lloyd Meyers sold the property on either side of the rifle range road to a neighbor, Mr. Sal D'Addio. The Hunter/Trapper Education Class that was held last Saturday at Laurel High School had 77 students in attendance. Paul Aiken addressed the question of having the HTE class available completely on line. He said the bad part would be that federal funding would be lost if the class were conducted on line. Ray Rava gave the break down of money raised from the four months of trap shooting that was conducted during the months of May - August. Since the Fall turkey shoots will be held on Tuesdays beginning September 2, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. and continuing through November 25, 2014, the trap shoots will now be held on Thursdays at 6:00 P.M. beginning on September 11, 2014 through October 30, 2014. Participants are encouraged to bring their own ear protection for ALL shooting events. Janice Greathouse was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
Trap shoots will now be held on THURSDAYS beginning September 11, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. through October 30, 2014. These shoots are open to the public. ALL participants should bring their own ammunition (boxes of 25) and ear protection.
The Fall turkey shoots will be held on TUESDAYS beginning September 2, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. and continue each Tuesday through November 25, 2014. These shoots are open to the public. Participants are encouraged to bring their own ear protection. Special shoots for youth will be held if there are enough youth participants and they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The monthly meeting was called to order by the 1st Vice President, Ron Aiken. He led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse, read last month's minutes which were approved by the members who were present. Beverly Capizio announced that the "Well-Armed Women's" meetings that have been held at the clubhouse were changed from Thursdays to the 2nd Monday of each month due to the trap shoots changing to Thursdays since Fall turkey shoots are now being held on Tuesdays. Dick Bayer said the Susquehanna River has male Bass with eggs. He also said Elder Vogel and Tom Wolf are in favor of having a dam at Hereford Manor. Paul Aiken said a ladies' handgun class at our clubhouse will be held on September 21, 2014 - $40.00 for a 1/2 day & $70.00 for all day. "1st Steps Pistol" or "Basic Pistol" will also be offered on the website with zip code 16157. Go to www.NRAInstructors.org to register. Paul also became a certified range officer and will train Ray Rava and Steve Keener. Discussion was held about Steve not being an officer or director and that he would not have keys for the clubhouse or indoor range to supervise shooters on the indoor range. The discussion was tabled until the next Board of Directors' meeting. Ray Rava discussed pricing and wattage of outdoor lighting for the trap shoots. 19 directors/officers were present at the meeting (out of the 21) for voting on issues. Bob Horton asked about handicapped parking in the lot in front of the clubhouse. Tim Kelly said that signs will be posted across the front of the building. Property is being sold on either side of the rifle range road. Cark Jaskolka was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
FAMILY PICNIC: The Annual Family Picnic for all club members will be held on Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 1:00-3:00 P.M. at the clubhouse. If you would like to bring something to share, you may do so. Hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob & drink will be provided by the club. Table service will be provided. Don't forget to attend the regular monthly club meeting the next evening on Monday, August 11, 2014 beginning at 7:00 P.M. Special thanks are extended to all club members who sold June raffle tickets to help support our Building Fund. Please feel free to park in our NEW parking lot to the right of the clubhouse when you come to the picnic and meetings. Handicapped parking is located across the front of the clubhouse.
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by the Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse and approved by the members who were present. Janice read an E-mail she received from Kerry Hart thanking the club members for a check that reimbursed him for the 12-month payment on his credit card to maintain the club's website. In the meantime, his bank returned the check with a $10.00 "returned check fee" because the club's check was missing a signature. A new check was reissued to Kerry including the additional fee which was charged to cover his expense. Janice let the members know that there was a problem on the club's website that couldn't be updated/saved and published to the site. She also notified Kerry Hart who is the webmaster. President Boots said the cost of the upgrade would be covered by the club. Janice will contact her computer technician to fix the problem. President Boots announced an "Iron Man" trap shoot that will be held on Saturday, August 9, 2014. Bob Horton discussed findings with the lumber boss, Robert Labrach. At the old stone fence it is marked with blue paint. He found 2 quad trails with a buffer zone and the properties go in order of DeMase, PA Game Commission and our club. The annual family club picnic will be held on Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. If the website is fixed, Janice will have it posted; otherwise, it will be announced twice in the Ellwood City Ledger, listed under "Neighbors" on their website, as well as the club newsletter that was mailed last February. Daren Weingartner printed an ariel photo of the club's property and Bob Horton laminated it, showing the neighboring properties. Carl Custozzo was the winner of the evening's doorprize. Janice Greathouse suggested that Carl pull the winning ticket from the names of the sellers of the June raffle ticket winners (only 5 tickets won). The winner of the $100 sellers' prize was club member John Barton. Treasurer Ray Beadling will send him a check. Special thanks to Bill Boots for providing refreshments for the meeting.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
President William B. Boots lead the members in attendance with the Pledge of Allegiance. Janice Greathouse read last month's minutes, which were approved by those present. Ray Rava said that the three (3) weeks of trap shoots which have been held so far had three (3) squads each, except for two (2) the week of the storm. He also put a new lock on the trap house because the old one was very difficult to open. Four (4) keys were made and given to the following - Ray Rava, Paul Aiken, Bill Boots and the extra set. Tim Kelly will discuss parking lot improvements with the contractors because there was some miscommunication. Paul Aiken reminded the members about a vent which is to be purchased to have air removed from the indoor range. Bob Horton asked who was in charge of the Sgt. Allan Bevington boat launch. Ron Aiken said the Wayne Twp. meeting will have a tax imposed soon for the Wayne Twp. & Chewton V.F.D. so they can remain active and care for the area. Bob Horton read some survey facts concerning bass fishing and the survival of fish which are hooked deep or on the lip/tongue. Tim Kelly will have a work session this Thursday, June 12th at 5:00 P.M. Beverly Capizio will officially deal with club memberships and range road gate keys since the by-laws were changed after readings on March 31, 2014 (1st reading), April 28, 2014 (2nd reading), and May 12, 2014 (3rd reading). The 2 office duties were re-defined as follows: "The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of the club and Board of Directors' meetings. He/she shall also prepare and send all correspondence the President or Board of Directors deem necessary, including website correspondence." "The Membership Secretary shall keep membership records of the club, receive all membership dues/fees and distribute/collect range keys. This new job discription was passed on May 12, 2014 with a (22-1) vote. Special thanks to Carol and Jim Dambach who provided refreshments for the evening's meeting. Carol also reminded everyone that the Youth Conservation Camp will be held June 21 - 26, 2014 this summer. The Coachmen's Club Picnic & Gun Raffle is Saturday, June 21, 2014 this summer at the Lawrence Co. Fairgrounds. Andy Kelly won the evening's door prize. Ray Beadling made a motion with a second by Jim Dambach to adjourn the meeting.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
President William B. Boots led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Janice Greathouse read last month's minutes, which were approved by those present. Ray Rava announced that the summer trap shoots will begin one (1) month early this year - starting tomorrow evening, Tuesday, May 13, 2014 beginning at 6:00 P.M. and continue for the months of June, July and August. These shoots are open to the public. Participants should bring their own ear protection and boxes of shells (25 count). Paul Aiken announced that the ranges are still in the same condition and a Hunter/Trapper Education class will be held at our club on Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Participants should register on the PA Game Commission website prior to the class. A "Beginning Shooters' Clinic" will be held the next day at the club, Sunday, June 22, 2014. It will be the 9th year for this annual event. Bob Horton announced that the seedlings which were ordered from the PA Game Commission were delivered to his house which he felt was a better idea because he wasn't sure when they were put on the back porch of the clubhouse previously. Daren Weingartner said he saw seedlings being sold on Craig's list for $1.00 each. This will be reported to the appropriate individuals in the PA Game Commission. Discussion was held concerning an Internet card that Paul Aiken was willing to sell the club for the computer access. The third and final reading of the proposed change stated in the club's by-laws for the duties between the Recording Secretary and the Membership Secretary regarding the membership dues and issuing of keys passed with a 20-1 vote. The military portion of the club's by-laws will apply only to those who are on active duty for a "free" membership. The officers and directors did not wish to hold a directors' meeting earlier this month because of the Memorial Day holiday on May 26, 2014. Janice reminded them that the June raffle ticket stubs/money will be due on May 19th according to the tickets and May 20th on the newsletter. She will come to the clubhouse on the 19th to collect the money/stubs from anyone who shows up to turn them in. Payment of $100 to Kerry Hart for maintaining the club's website for the one (1) year Internet service was proposed by Dick Bayer with a second by Carol Dambach. (motion passed). Carol Dambach presented Dale Johnson for club membership and he was approved by the directors who were present this evening. Bill Boots was the winner of the evening's door prize. Ray Beadling made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Ray Rava. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
First Vice President, Ron Aiken, called the monthly meeting to order by leading those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance. Carl Custozzo thanked all of those who helped at the spring turkey shoots and Dick Bayer thanked Carl for his leadership at the shoots. Bob Horton said that he would like to get more pallets for the outdoor shooting range. Lawrence County Council representative, Tim Kelly, announced that the Youth Conservation Camp in June (for youth ages 11-15) will accept 30 applications by April 15, 2014. It will cost $150 to sponsor each youth. Tim Kelly made a motion for our club to sponsor 4 youth, with a second by Janice Greathouse. (motion passed). Tim also announced that the "Draw Down" will be held on January 31, 2015 for the Lawrence County Council's annual fundraising event. Dick Bayer reminded those present that the 2nd Amendment Rally is on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 in Harrisburg. A bus will leave the Giant Eagle parking lot on Route 422 PROMPTLY at 4:00 A.M. The next Lawrence County Council meeting will be hosted by our club on Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 8:00 P.M. with the meal beginning beforehand at 7:00 P.M. Carl Custozzo made a motion to make a specified donation to the Chewton V.F.D. with a second by Jack Hunter. (motion passed). The Youth Turkey Hunt will be Saturday, April 26, 2014. The Mentored Youth Fishing Day will be postponed until May 10, 2014 because of iced over lakes. The Mars Rod & Gun Club will host a spring turkey class on April 27, 2014 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Fifty-eight (58) wild pheasants from Montana were stocked in a recovery area in Franklin County. Three (3) or four (4) eagle nests are active in Lawrence County and there are as many as six (6) in Butler County. Beverly Capaezio made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Ray Rava (motion passed). Janice Greathouse was the winner of the evening's door prize.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - April 8, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's final turkey shoot this Spring on April 8, 2014: Jim Cory, Ed Sniezek, Grant Miller, David Byler, Joe Gibbs, Chuck Bingle, Frank Nofsker, Tom O'Brien, John Lubich, Dave Caccia, Dallas Parr, Anna Zilka and Larry Baker. The winner of the evening's special "youth shoot" was Katelin Groves. All winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize.
Fall turkey shoots will be held at the club beginning on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 and continue each Tuesday through November 25, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. These shoots are open to the public.
Trap shoots will be held at the club every Tuesday beginning May 13, 2014 through August 26, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. These shoots are open to the public as well, but participants must provide their own ammunition and be sure to have boxes of 25 shells for each round.
Club memberships for 2014 are now considered "lapsed" and a $10 late fee will be imposed. (NRA cards MUST be presented at the time of renewal). Anyone who wishes to be considered for membership in the club must have a sponsor from the existing membership and be presented at a regular monthly meeting for consideration. The Board of Directors will vote on any potential new members.
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - April 1, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's Spring turkey shoot on Tuesday, April 1, 2014: Clancy Barr, Chuck Bingle, Frank Nofsker, David Byler, Joe Gibbs, Matt Kemp, Tom O'Brien, Ed Sniezek, Mike Rollins, Shane Price and Spencer Renner. The winner of the special shoot that was held just for youth was David Caccia. Each week a "youth shoot" will be held if there are enough shooters with a parent/guardian to supervise them. All winners have their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public and begin at 6:30 P.M. at the club located at 2406 Wampum Road. Next Tuesday, April 8th, is the LAST Spring turkey shoot for this season.
The lock on the range road gate has been changed effective TODAY. All members must be a current member for 2014 in order to be able to have a new gate key. Current memberships may be obtained by paying the $10 late fee and keys may be exchanged at any turkey shoot or regularly scheduled meeting.
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 18, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's spring turkey shoot on Tuesday, March 18, 2014: Larry Baker, David Moore, Ed Sniezek, Bill Shuttleworth, Matt Green, James Radich, Shane Price, Dalles Par, Chuck Bingle and Evan Barton. David Caccia was the winner of the "youth shoot". The special shoot for youth will take place each week of enough shooters are present with a parent/guardian to supervise them. Winners had their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Spring turkey shoots will continue at 6:30 P.M. each Tuesday through April 8 at the clubhouse at 2406 Wampum Road. All shoots are open to the public. Club memberships must be renewed for 2014 by March 31, 2014 to avoid a $10 late fee. National Rifle Association cards must be presented at the time of renewal. New range road gate keys will be distributed during March. All memberships must be current for 2014 in order to receive a new key. The rifle range gate locks will be changed effective April 1, 2014. Memberships and key exchanges can be made at any Tuesday night turkey shoot or the Directors' meeting on March 31, 2014.
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 11, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club's spring turkey shoot on Tuesday, March 11, 2014: Russ Russell, Joe Gibbs, Chuck Bingle, Kent Butler, Brian Nofsker, Aaron Kelly, Matt Keefer, Larry Baker, Kurtis Kelly, James Radich and Bob Allen. The winners had their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. Spring turkey shoots will continue each Tuesday through April 8 beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the clubhouse, 2406 Wampum Road. There will be a special shoot for youth if enough are in attendance with a parent/guardian to supervise them. All shoots are open to the public. Club memberships for 2014 should be renewed by March 31, 2014 to prevent a $10 late fee. National Rifle Association cards must be presented at the time of renewal. New range road gate keys will be distributed during March and the lock will be changed effective April 1, 2014.
REMEMBER the ANNUAL BANQUET - March 15, 2014 at the New Beaver Borough V.F.D. Doors open at 4:30 P.M. and the dinner begins PROMPTLY at 6:00 P.M. _____________________________________________________________________
President Bill Boots led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse and approved by those present. Carol Dambach, County Council representative, read the Lawrence County Council meeting minutes from February 20, 2014. The PA Fish & Boat Commission rescheduled its 2 Mentored Youth Fishing Days into 1 statewide date on May 10, 2014 because most of the waters where the events take place aren't expected to completely thaw in time. Anglers may keep 2 trout. The hours will be 8:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. for the mentored youth, but after 7:30 P.M. the waters will be open for all to fish. This evening is the last time that reservations will be accepted for the club's annual banquet which will be held this Saturday, March 15, 2014 with doors opening at 4:30 P.M. and dinner served promptly at 6:00 P.M. Dick Bayer will purchase the bottled water. LeRoy Houk agreed to be in charge of prizes for this year, but is "retiring" as of next year's banquet. Bill Boots informed the members that he will not be at the annual banquet because of job requirements. 1st Vice President, Ron Aiken, will take over as acting president for meetings. LeRoy Houk announced that a work session will be held at the New Beaver Borough V.F.D. Hall at 6:00 P.M. this Friday, March 14, 2014 to set up for the banquet. Tim Kelly will be the contact person to give Alice Lutz the final count and breakdown of meal choices. Carl Custozzo reminded those in attendance that the Spring turkey shoots began on March 4 at 6:30 P.M. Ray Rava announced that trap shoots will begin May 13, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. and continue each Tuesday through August 26, 2014. Bob Horton reminded the members that the club's Youth Fishing Derby will begin on Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 8:00 A.M. for Junior members who are ages 15 and younger with tickets being given out for a drawing to be held at the clubhouse at 10:00 A.M. Lunch will be served for all participants at 12 noon. Special thanks to Beverly Capezio and Ray Beadling for providing refreshments this evening. The winner of the evening's door prize was LeRoy Houk.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
SPRING TURKEY SHOOT results - March 4, 2014:
The following participants were winners at the Ellwood/Wampum Rod & Gun Club's first Spring Turkey shoot that was held on March 4, 2014: Anna Zilka, Jim Cory, Bill Shuttleworth, Rob Wilson, Russ Russell, Ed Scala, Bill Hart, David Byler and Joe Biggs. Winners received their choice of a turkey, ham or cash prize. These shoots are open to the public and will begin at 6:30 P.M. each Tuesday through April 8, 2014. There will be a special shoot for youth who are ages 15 and younger if they have a parent/guardian to supervise them. Those wishing to locate the clubhouse with a GPS unit can use the physical address of 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157.
MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES - February 10, 2014:
President Bill Boots called the monthly meeting to order by leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Last month's minutes were read by Recording Secretary, Janice Greathouse and approved by those members who were present. Under correspondence, Janice read a letter from club member, Allan McLaughlin, who sent a photo of his son, Brian, who is stationed in Japan. Both wanted to continue their club memberships and wanted the other members to know how Brian was doing. Those who were present at the meeting stuffed envelopes with newsletters and four (4) June raffle tickets that members are to try and sell or purchase themselves to help as a fundraiser for the club's Building Fund. The tickets will be based on the PA 3-digit, 7:00 P.M. number (1st drawing) for the entire month of June. The buyer can select their own 3-digit number. June raffle tickets and money MUST be returned to the club by May 21st. There will be a bonus raffle for anyone who sold a winning June raffle ticket. The drawing will be held at the regular monthly meeting on July 14, 2014.
All members who are current with their dues should have received the annual newsletter that was mailed after the evening's meeting. Please note the additional times when membership dues can be paid for 2014 and notify any friends or relatives so they don't lapse their membership which is due by March 31, 2014. The special membership renewal opportunities & key exchange for the new range road key (effective April 1, 2014) will be at the clubhouse on the following weekends: February 22 & 23 and March 1 & 2, 2014 from 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. each day. The same opportunity to renew memberships and exchange range road keys for 2014 will be available at the Annual Banquet on March 15, 2014 from 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. Beverly Capizio will be in charge of these special opportunities - NO keys will be exchanged AFTER the banquet as in previous years. All Annual Banquet reservations and money must be received by Monday, March 3, 2014 so that dinner choices can be ordered by the New Beaver Borough V.F.D. Auxiliary. Payment MUST be received at the time of the reservation. Doors will open at 4:30 P.M. and the dinner will begin promptly at 6:00 P.M.
Tim Kelly, Lawrence County Council representative, reminded everyone that the Laurel Conservation Club is sponsoring a "Sportsmen's Night Out" at Laurel High School on Friday, February 21, 2014 with doors opening at 5:30 P.M. Carl Custozzo announced that the Spring turkey shoots will begin on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. and continue each Tuesday through April 8, 2014 at the club. Anyone who uses a GPS may use the physical address of 2406 Wampum Road, Wampum, PA 16157 to locate the clubhouse. Bob Horton announced that the 3rd Annual Youth Fishing Day will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2014 for Junior Members ages 15 years old and younger. All participants should register at the clubhouse prior to fishing in order to be eligable for prizes. Prizes will be awarded at 10:00 A.M. The club will provide bait and lunch will be served to the children and parents in attendance. The proposed date for the club's annual family picnic is August 10, 2014 beginning at 1:00 P.M. Special thanks were extended to Dick Bayer for serving refreshments to those who were present. The winner of the evening's door prize was Paul Aiken. Jim Dambach made a motion, with a second by Ray Rava, to dismiss the meeting (the motion passed).
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse
President Bill Boots called the meeting to order with 36 present and led them in the Pledge of
Allegiance. Carl Custozzo has yet to buy shells for the Spring turkey shoots - he is waiting for his
grandson to go with him and assist carrying them. Bob Horton, Range Officer, said that there was
trouble with the range road gate lock again. All members are required to keep their membership
current and make sure that they are using the current key when trying to access the rifle range.
Memberships for 2014 are now due. The new keys will be exchanged beginning with the
Spring turkey shoots on March 4, 2014 and the locks will change effective April 1, 2014. Bob
Horton and Carol Dambach have secured fishing rods and reels for the Junior membership trout
fishing that will take place beginning at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, April 19, 2014 at the club. If the
Trout Committee has any questions, they may contact Bob. Tim Kelly, Lawrence County Council
representative, announced the following dates for the 2014 Council Meetings: Jan. 16 - Castle-
wood, Feb. 20 - Coachman, Mar. 20 - Laurel, Apr. 17 - Ellwood/Wampum, May 15 - Coon &
Fox, June 19 - Enon Valley (camp), July 17 - Mahoning, Aug. 7 - Castlewood (before the Lawrence
County Fair week), Sept. 18 - Coachmen, Oct. 16 - Laurel, Nov.- NO MEETING, and Dec. 18 -
Ellwood/Wampum. Dick Bayer announced that the Coachman Club and our club made a
donation toward the transportation for the bus trip to the 2nd Ammendment Rally in Harrisburg
on Tuesday, April 29, 2014. Each bus seat will cost $10 per person to attend. Levis Curry will
contact Alice Lutz concerning the dinner selections for the club's annual banquet that will be held
at the New Beaver Borough Fire Hall on Saturday, March 15, 2014. Club members should look
for reservation forms in the annual club newsletter which will be mailed in early February. The
winner of the evening's door prize was Andy Kelly. Special thanks to Carol & Jim Dambach for
serving refreshments.
Submitted by Recording Secretary - Janice Greathouse